Annoyed authors note

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Hello readers I would like to say two things and yes the title is the topic I am annoyed but not at you people I truly appreciate everything you for reading my stories or voting on my stories and commenting on it I really do appreciate it.

1) the answer to why am I so annoyed I have used Pinterest since I was younger and I still do it's the main thing I'm active on but when I look at pins of the ships I adore. I see hate just absolute hate I'm sick and tired of seeing people hate on the ships I'll show a few examples I've seen and if your the type who dislike the ships that most of us ship then don't look at it. It's not for you anyways it's for people that like it anyway this is the hate I see on my personal favorite ships. 

To oh no thank you for showing me the entrance to hell I'll enjoy it with my gay ships  :p

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To oh no thank you for showing me the entrance to hell I'll enjoy it with my gay ships  :p

To oh no thank you for showing me the entrance to hell I'll enjoy it with my gay ships  :p

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I've seen some on tiktok 

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I've seen some on tiktok 

These are from my one of my  personal favorites obikin which is Obi wan and anakin. If being apart of the LGBTQ a sin well looks like I'm going to hell since I'm apart of the LGBTQ if you are wondering if I'm Bi I'm not even tho if you had read things about me it sounds like I am but I'm not I am a asexual and I'm proud of it :) 

 If being apart of the LGBTQ a sin well looks like I'm going to hell since I'm apart of the LGBTQ if you are wondering if I'm Bi I'm not even tho if you had read things about me it sounds like I am but I'm not I am a asexual and I'm proud of it :) 

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This is from my favorite ship henpat there really isn't any hate on ship which I'm happy for.

2) my appreciation ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 

I want to give my entire love to you readers I love you a lot and I appreciate you reading my stories! I didn't think my story would reach 7.8k I wish I could do more than say thank you 😊 

Special thanks!






And of course you readers! 

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