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Henry pov

Feeling the hot water hit my skin feels nice I let out a soft sigh in pleasure my fingers run through my light brown hair I wished I was at home not in a fucking asylum I wonder if they ever found Patrick? What is my mom doing? Does she even know I exist or still alive? Is the losers laughing at me? When will I get out of here? Is the clown coming for me? So many questions run through my head all at once I wish my gang, my " family " I look down at my hands shocked to see there covered in blood " what?" I looked around is the clown here? Is he here to save me? No he's not - I looked down at my hands again but no blood I leaned against the wall letting the water rain down on me. 

~ flashback after the rock war ~ 

I stood between belch and Vic having fun when I ran out of bottles to shoot a cat caught my eye " put the next target on there" I point to the cat belch looked at me and I looked at him he walked towards the cat shaking his head as soon as he put the cat on the truck " just hold onto it " I closed one eye aiming at the cat before I could pull the trigger I heard a familiar voice behind me my old man " the hell is going on here?" my dad asked confused but he knows what I was doing. I couldn't look at him " I was cleaning your gun like you asked " he walked closer to me " cleaning my gun? " I softly said dad before I could say anything else he yelled in my face lie and took the gun away from me then walked towards the house I thought I got off easy but I was dead wrong my dad shot at the ground near me I quickly covered my face terrified of him I was shaking in fear " look at him now boys nothing like a little fear to make a paperman crumble " I realized I pissed myself out of fear I felt tears in my eyes but I held my tears in. I sat in front of belch's car holding my legs close to my chest " you ok Henry? " Vic asked sounding concern I just ignored him when a balloon was attached to my mailbox weird I got up and slowly walked towards my mailbox curiously I opened my mailbox a small package that is addressed to me by Robert grey strange I never heard of that name before but I opened the package and opened the small box I picked out my switchblade then looked at my house I know where I'm headed I know the consequences but fuck it. I looked through the window to find my dad is asleep this is my chance I walked inside carefully not to wake him up I'm not so sure about this when the lady on the tv caught my attention " and you will to Henry make it a wonderful day " I stared at the tv in disbelief " kill him " the lady said so cheerfully I put my switchblade put to my dad's neck the lady and kids chanted kill him I pressed the button that makes the blade come out a offscreen man said oh no give him a big around of the applause I held my dad's head back his blood squirted onto my face he grabbed my shirt I didn't moved the lady and kids started to chant kill them all I looked at the tv this clown stared at me and smiled at me that's when I know to kill those fucking losers and I will. 

~ flashback ends ~ 

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