4th July

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( happy 4th of July! ) 

Henry POV 

I lazily laid stretched out on the couch with Patrick " babe there's nothing on " I said with bored and annoyed tone " that's because you don't have taste " as Patrick said that he snatched the remote from me and turned it onto Netflix " shut up asshole " which he did happily " what are you putting on? " Patrick smiles and kisses my cheek " hemlock grove " I groaned " and I don't have taste that's just filled with sex every five minutes " he shrugged not giving a shit. 

" so? We do the same thing " I blushed " I hate you " he chuckled and played the first episode when the our front door burst open " hey guys! " belch said smiling Vic followed behind belch carrying a pack of beers " oh you two are watching this shit show " Vic said pointing to the tv " told you dumbass " I elbowed Patrick in the stomach he grunted then slapped my thigh " you both are bitches " Vic and I laughed. 

Belch perked up hearing fireworks " let's go boys " all of us jumped up and ran outside to watch the fireworks. Patrick sat on in a chair and I sat on pat's lap while Vic and belch sat in a chair separate happily watching the beautiful fireworks. Patrick held me close as I drank a beer that I was sharing with this fucking idiot called Patrick Hockstetter " stop drinking all of it hen " I shook my head kept drinking which cause Patrick to take it away I whined but pat didn't have any mercy " you bitch " I growled he shrugged still not giving a shit he finished off the beer and held me close to his chest. 

I smiled and snuggles into his chest pat gave me a kiss I kissed him back fireworks still going we happily smile " Malachi and Nicholas will love the fireworks " Patrick smiled and I nodded in agreement smiling happily. 

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