58 • The Art Of Making Love

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Kyomi POV

"What is all of this?" I ask gazing over our guest bedroom where Tae has moved all of the furniture around to make an empty space he covered with a plastic tarp on the floor. There are also bottles of paint, towels, slippers, and what appears to be a cotton canvas folded against one wall.

Tae nervously fidgets with his hands on his hips then allows them to hang before returning them to his hips.

"I, uhm, know we sort of talked about you and him, and you mentioned he painted. You seemed to like that so I thought maybe we could use a new painting on our bedroom wall."

"You want us to paint a picture? Honey, you forgot the brushes and you know I can't even draw a good stick figure."

"We actually don't need brushes." He chews the inside of his cheek peering innocently through his lashes. "We paint it with our bodies.. while we make love."

I giggle believing my husband is joking but his demeanor says otherwise. My jaw drops. "You're serious?"

Tae nods.

"I've never heard of such a thing before." I respond as I take a closer look at the materials.

Butterfly kisses below my ear and hands at my waist send tingles all throughout my body. "Making love to you is a fine art. You have taught me everything I know about the most magnificent female form my eyes have had the pleasure of thoroughly enjoying. Please allow me to create a masterpiece with you to show my appreciation."

The gentle pull of my hips into Tae's body reveals his hopeful anticipation. My lids flutter from the arousing sensation.

"But.. oohhh.." I moan when his fingers rub the fabric covering my most delicate area. "The painting.. mmm.. my belly.. ahh.."

With a voice low and filled with lust, Tae replies to my broken statement. "Our children were created from the art of lovemaking. It is only right they be included."

I have no more objections with this idea after Tae slips his hand inside of my panties. His digits traverse the valleys of my center carefully as if he is treading unexplored territory.

"Before we get too carried away, we should probably spread out the canvas and cover it with paint." His soft, breathy words are followed with a moan. "You're already so ready for me, Omi darling."

Guiding my hand between our bodies, I trail my fingertips up and down the print in his slacks. "Don't pretend like you aren't ready for me, Tae darling."

His fingers twitch and his breath catches. "I am always ready for another lesson from you, love. Let's hurry and get everything set up first."

We quickly stretch out the canvas and pour lines of paint randomly on top. Tae picked five colors for us; Green for him, purple for me, pink for Lily, and red and blue for the boys.

We undress each other, elated when our skin is finally pressed together. Tae kisses his way down to my thighs, lifting the right one over his shoulder then disappearing under my stomach.

The swipes of his tongue tell me exactly where he is.

"Would you like to lay down now?" He speaks into my core.

"Mm-mm. I want you to lay down fi-irrrst- ahh!" I gasp into the air.

Tae's face reappears with a smirk and I ogle this beautiful naked man as he backs his way onto the canvas. "Join me? I don't want to be the only one with blue on my ass cheek."

No more than a minute passes before Tae has blue on his ass cheek, red and green on his shoulder, and purple with pink in his hair. My mouth pleasuring his hardened length was an unexpected but welcome surprise and I feel my arousal drip from the sounds he creates.

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