31 • Mutual Agreements

652 38 19

Jimin POV

"So what's wrong?" Taehyung questions.

I huff, leaning against the wall behind me. "This woman exaggerated her entire profile. I could almost justify small discrepancies but this one takes the cake."

"So she isn't attractive enough to fuck? Is that what I'm hearing?"

I roll my eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. Everyone is attractive enough for someone to fuck them. She just isn't my type."

My eyes linger over the hostess as she greets an older couple entering the restaurant. She timidly peers over her shoulder to see if I am still watching her every move, a slight smile developing she attempts to hide at the confirmation.

"You picked her out from her profile, Jimin. How was she not your type?"

"Her profile said late-twenties, curvy, all natural, and intelligent. The woman here is none of those. I was catfished."

Taehyung laughs. "Even her age? How old did she look?"

Ava-Gail leans forward under her hostess stand to reach for something but fails, opting to squat instead. She is quite flexible. I wonder how far her legs actually bend.

"Impossible to tell with all of the cosmetic surgery she's had poorly done. And she's an aspiring actress.. once she starts to save money to move to L.A."

"Oh! Wow.." Taehyung drifts off.


He clears his throat and asks "So, out of curiosity, is there an empty, round booth off to the side of the restaurant near the biggest window?"

I lean forward examining the interior. I can see Lorelei has ordered another bottle as she refills her glass. I sneer.

Looking to the opposite side of the nearly full restaurant there is indeed an empty booth amidst all of the full ones situated beside of a large window. It looks oddly out of place.

"Yep." I pop the 'p' with a small snicker.

"Oh." Taehyung sounds saddened by this.

"Is everything okay?"

"That is our booth, Jimin. Omi, Lily and I have a permanent reservation there. It's Omi's favorite restaurant." His voice softens near the end of his statement.

"Have you talked to her?"

"She doesn't want to talk to me. I can't make her listen to anything I have to say."

I fiddle with a stack of paper menus nearby. "Call her."

"She won't answer." His words grow smaller and smaller each time he speaks.

"You said you can talk to Lily whenever you wish. So, my suggestion is to call and talk to Kyomi about Lily. Won't get you back in bed with her but it might get you in the doorway."

Ava-Gail walks by again and judging her expression, she is becoming more and more wound up with every glance. She fans herself with her hand, shifting her weight from one foot to the other with her attention to diners so off she calls Mr. Helm a ma'am.

The large, burly man in his late fifties is less than pleased.

"I don't know, Jimin. The only thing I do know is I am still in love with Omi and miss her and our Lily terribly."

"Call her. Let me know how it goes, but I need to hang up now. I'm thinking this night may not be a total bust after all." I smile to myself.

Taehyung is quiet. He sniffs then groans. "You're checking out the hostess, aren't you?"

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