60 • Family Time

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Taehyung POV

"You're staring again, Tae."

I am also not blinking, but Omi didn't call me on that this time. I can't help but to treasure moments like this; Omi feeding one of our sons while the other lays napping with a full tummy on my chest and our tiny Lily playing nearby with her dolls on the living room floor.

"You are beautiful, love. It's difficult to stop."

Omi rolls her eyes. "You're biased." She looks down to the twin currently suckling at her breast brushing a few dark strands from his forehead. "My body looks horrible."

"I beg to differ," I smirk wiggling my brows as I continue, "and as soon as the OB/GYN gives the green light I will thoroughly ensure you know how I feel about your new curves."

Blushing, she tucks a curl behind her ear. Omi lowers her voice just enough that Lily can't hear over the sound of the new Oopy Goopy episode.

"You know there is a matter we never quite finished discussing."

"I know." I take Omi's left hand and kiss the back. "But I want you to be comfortable no matter what."

"Three children is a lot to take on. I'm worried about making it four too soon."

"Sooooo.." I look questioningly to my wife.

"Before you and I have adult time, I think we should look in to other.. uhm.. methods." Omi blushes.

It's so adorable that she is a married thirty-two year old mother of three and she still gets flustered speaking to her husband about sex. I am so in love.

"As long as I am able to please you no matter what, that is fine with me."

A soft contented coo draws our attention to the little one who has fallen asleep while nursing. His tiny hand which once held his mother close has relaxed and laid over his fluttery lids.

"Lazy little baby." Omi smiles at our son as she carefully removes him from her chest and returns him to his bouncer on the floor to finish his nap. "He's going to have gas later. He didn't burp."

"He burps in his sleep, Mommy." Lily chimes in without taking her eyes away from the television.

"He does, does he?" Omi inquires, adjusting herself in the opening of her nursing top and into her bra. It takes her a few seconds to properly place the nursing pad she despises having to use before she catches me.

Yes, I stare at that too.

"And how would you know?"

"The 'nother day when you were making me snackies, his binky fell. I was gonna put it back but he was burping when he was asleep."

{{Such a good big sister to take care of her littlest brother.}} I can't help but to praise Lily.

{{He looks the mostest like you, Daddy.}}

Smiling, I reply {{But, sweetheart, they're identical twins.}}

{{But he looks the mostest.}}

Omi and I look to each other before simultaneously judging the features of our twins. We both lean our heads to the side to investigate.

To us, the boys are exact replicas, but our youngest in an odd sort of offspring way indeed has something about his sweet little face that is all too familiar. I smile to myself thinking of the day my boys will be my age for a fairer comparison.

On the inside, I'm a lump of mush and I'm struggling to hold it together so that Omi doesn't make fun of how soft my emotions are again. I just can't help myself, though. I have a daughter and two sons now.

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