Epilogue: Found

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a/n: this video has all the good feels 🥰


Taehyung POV

{{With a muscular body.. wearing red clothes..}} I softly sing into my youngest cub's dark curls while rhythmically patting his bottom as he naps on my chest.

{{Daddy! He's dancing!}} Lily giggles, pointing to the older twin sitting in front of her on the floor.

He drools with a squeal as he does indeed wiggle on his bottom. Lily copies his move and I laugh at the two of them.

Baby Cub sighs heavily, lifting his head to turn it in the opposite direction. It takes a few tries to get his face comfortable because of his round cheeks, but once he finds a good spot he sighs again and wiggles his butt into my palm.

My heart is so full I could cry every second. Omi has given me three beautiful children and her heart for the rest of my days. My life is complete.

"I'm home!" Omi sings as she enters the living room.

I bite my bottom lip eyeing her down. Her black slacks hold her hips nearly as tightly as I do and her lavender button down blouse fits over her luscious breasts to perfection.

My wife is so sexy all of the time. I immediately make a plan for a quickie after dinner.

"Mommy!" Lily yelps, running to hug her mother. "I missed you today!"

"I miss you everyday, Lily." Omi squats down to kiss Lily's cheek. "How was school?"

"It was fun! I like it! Mommy, look! The baby dances when my daddy sings!"

Our older twin whimpers and makes grabbing motions with his tiny hands. Omi stands and walks over to him to lift him from the floor. He immediately drools on the exposed skin of Omi's chest.

"He might be hungry. It's close to his feeding time again." I say.

Omi packs him over to where I sit reclined on the sofa. She leans down to give me a kiss and I take a peek down her top, frowning at the contraption she wears under her clothes.

"Hello, Tae darling." She smiles lovingly at me. Omi is so gorgeous.

"Hello, Omi darling. How was your day?"

She takes a seat beside me as she unbuttons her blouse. "It wasn't bad. Relatively smooth. How was your- okay, big boy! Calm down!"

Our older son can't contain his excitement at his mother's milk fresh from the source. He struggles against her shirt and bra fighting to get to her nipple.

Once he latches, his entire tiny body calms with a hum of relaxation. His big eyes flutter happily with every swallow.

"I know, little guy. I like them too."

Scoffing, Omi swats my arm. "I didn't get a chance to pump today, so they're extra full. I need this as much as he does."

"Well, make sure to save the other side for our Baby Cub. The boys haven't been napping together this week, so the nap he is taking is the one his brother needs to go down for."

{{What time is karate practice, Daddy?}} Lily questions as she bounces around the living room floor.

"I forgot she had karate tonight." Omi's shoulders drop. "As soon as I finish feeding your brother, I'll take you, Lily."

"Don't worry about that, love. Jimin volunteered to take Lily to practice. He said he's taking Sidoni's son.. Caleb?"

"Kaelin." She corrects.

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