47 • Caught Red Handed

806 44 138

Kyomi POV

"Would you like for me to wait up for you?" Lanni's voice is soft over the phone.

"Please. I feel like I know what I will see on those tapes but my gut tells me I'll see the opposite. Lanni, what if he didn't cheat on me? Will he ever forgive me for treating him the way I have for the last few months?"

"Of course he will, honey! You and Taehyung belong together! Didn't you just tell me yesterday how he still wants you to come home?"

I don't speak. I have a difficult time forming the next words that pass my lips.

"What if what I saw with my own two eyes that day was exactly what happened?"

"Then at least you know."

"I'm not sure I want to know, but I need to." My bottom lip quivers.

"I understand exactly what you mean, Omi. Call me as soon as you know for sure."

"I will. Thank you for everything."

Lanni giggles. "You don't have to thank me. I'll always be here for you. Your brother and I always will and you know that. Drive safe."


"No way! The rye was mine! You had the pumpernickel!" Jase yells shoving a brown paper sack towards his coworker.

"Your ass! I always get the rye!" Envin yells shoving the sandwich back.

The pair continue to argue over their late night snacks not noticing I have entered the room. I cross my arms and wait for recognition.

"I don't feel very secure right now, fellas."

Startled, the duo straighten in their seats, stuffing their food away. "Oh, hey Mrs. Kim!" Jase is quick to react.

Not as quick, Envin mimics Jase using his own spin on my name. "Evening, Mrs. K. Looking lovely today! What brings you down to our little happy corner of your magnificent building?"

"I need to watch some footage from about two months ago."

"Sure thing." Jase spins his chair to face his workstation. Once he pulls up a list of old recordings, he asks "What area can I get for ya?"

With a wobbly inhale, I respond "My husband's office."

Jase freezes. Envin drops his sight to his shoes.

"Two months ago, you say?" Envin speaks then nervously swallows. "Something.. something in particular you're looking for?"

"Yes. Can you pull the footage for me?"

Jase remains facing the monitors. "Uhmm.."

Envin answers. "Recordings don't go back that far. They are recorded over after forty-five days, ma'am."

Frowning at the security team instantly tells them I don't believe their lie. "Since when and with who's approval?"

Their reply is simultaneous and harmonious. "Uhhhh.."

"Okay. You know what?" I nudge Jase out of the way. "Go grab yourselves anything you wish from the cafeteria, my treat."

"Really?" Envin's eyes bulge.
"Even the fancy sandwiches with the dipping sauces?" Jase asks at the same time.

"Anything. I'll be done by the time you return."

"You're great, Mrs. K! We'll be right back!" Envin pats Jase on his back and the pair head out of the office with wide smiles.

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