61 • Without Hesitation

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Kyomi POV

"Where are we going?" I ask as Tae makes a turn in the opposite direction of our house after dinner.

Tae holds my hand in my lap. "I have to make a quick stop by a client's house. It won't take a few minutes, love."

"But.." I glance to the backseat where Lily has calmed and stares dreamily out of her window at the setting sun "..someone is getting very sleepy."

"I know, but this is very important and has to be done tonight." He looks around at all of his mirrors and then adds "I honestly should have done it a few days ago, but I was busy."

We end up in a gated community similar to the one Hoba lives in but the houses are much larger. Each house has multiple car garages some with boat and RV garages as well.

I watch a double garage door open to a breathtaking home with large windows. Tae pulls into the driveway but not into the garage and turns off the engine propping himself sideways in his seat to stare at me.

"Come in with me."

"Tae, I'm tired. Can't you just do whatever really quick and then take us home?"

"I can do whatever really quick but I'm not comfortable leaving the most precious beings in my life outside in a car in a neighborhood I don't know well. Please, Omi."

He has to stop using that face on me to get his way. It's not fair.

"Fine, but if Lily won't sleep when we get home, she's all yours." Grumbling, I unfasten my seatbelt.

Tae lifts my hand and kisses the back. "I have no problem with that at all, love."

Each of us take a twin in our baby slings and Lily follows behind with her big eyes even bigger as she takes in the unknown area.

{{This is pretty, Daddy. Where are we?}}

{{One of Daddy's client's houses. Just a quick stop and then we'll go home, okay?}}

Entering the garage I notice there is a luxury SUV parked off to one side. Looking around I realize this is a four car garage and not a two as I initially thought.

The SUV is brand new and most likely delivered to this house as apparent by the blue film still on the passenger door handles. A part of me wants to peel it off when my husband isn't looking.

Tae inputs a door code and we enter the house. A few steps up land us in the doorway between a gorgeous open kitchen and a spacious dining room with floor to ceiling windows. The setting sun makes the whole area even more beautiful.

"Oh my gosh!" I cover my mouth with one hand.

"It's a nice house, isn't it?" Tae smiles as he holds my opposite hand. "I was terrified to touch anything the first time I had to come over."

"This is far beyond nice, honey. You have clients who have amassed so much wealth they could afford a house this size?"

"It's not as expensive as you think." He kisses my temple. {{Lily, would you like to see the upstairs?}}

Lily nods and takes her Daddy's hand from mine replacing it with her own. {{Mommy can come too, can't she Daddy?}}

"Of course she can, sweetheart."

And now they're both giving me the look. I just can't win with these two..

..and now I have two more of them.

The five of us make our way into the wide open living room which has more floor to ceiling windows and an impeccable view. I can't help but to gasp at the beauty of it all.

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