19 • Figuring It Out

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Taehyung POV

I sit on the floor after dinner, a meal which Omi barely took two bites of, playing dolls with my tiny Lily. Omi sits on the sofa more interested in her phone; she has become enamored with the device for the past few weeks.

I want to ask Omi about her actions without sounding like a jealous husband but I'm not sure exactly how to go about it. As Lily hands me another doll, I decide to just be blunt.

"Interesting conversation you're having?" I nod to her phone when she peers at me.

Omi sighs, laying her phone screen down on her bare thigh below the hem of her shorts. "No."

"Want to join us then?" I tug my bottom lip in between my teeth.

She blinks a few times before replying. "I need to do the dishes."

I watch Omi stand to head towards the kitchen. Her eyes look at everything but don't seem like they see anything at all. It scares me.

I hear the clinking of dishes and the faucet running. Leaning to kiss Lily's forehead, I tell her {{I'll be right back, baby. I'm going to talk to Mommy.}}

Lily nods without taking her attention from her dolls. She looks so much like Omi.

When I enter the kitchen, Omi is standing at the sink rinsing out a bowl. Her beautiful brown eyes glance up to notice me, but return to the bowl quickly. It's kind of like when you don't want to make eye contact with a stranger so you don't have to engage in conversation.

But I'm not a stranger. I'm her husband.

"Can we talk, please?" I ask gently.

"We're talking now." She sounds irritated.

"Omi, we haven't really talked in over a month. Please talk to me."

She turns to grab a skillet from the stove and returns to the sink. "What do you want to talk about, Taehyung?" She doesn't look at me once.

{{Please don't call me that.}}

"Then what should I call you? Your name is Taehyung!" Her voice raises.

I try to keep my words steady. "Tae. You call me Tae. You used to anyway."

Omi sighs and drops her head back. "Fine, Tae. Better now?"

"No! No not better! Why won't you talk to me?"

"You keep saying you want to talk, but have yet to tell me what you want to talk about!" She tosses her sponge into the sink and places both hands at her waist. Her eyes close as she nibbles her bottom lip.

I step up behind her welcoming the scent of her delicious apple shampoo into my nostrils. My eyes flutter closed, my hands making their way home to her hips.

I gulp, panicked, as this is the closest I have been to my wife in the last several weeks. Leaning into her just a bit more my breathy words cause her loose ringlets to sway against her neck.

{{I miss you.}}

Omi steps away quickly, opening one of the top cabinets on the opposite side of the kitchen. The loss of physical connection pains me.

"I'm right here."

"You're not. Physically, you are, but emotionally you have left me. Please talk to me, Omi. Tell me what is wrong so we can fix this."

Omi slams a cabinet shut. "Everything is fine, Tae! I don't know how many more times I have to fucking-"

Her phone buzzes across the counter top, then stops, then buzzes again. I observe her reaction to this uninteresting conversation that has obviously continued spawning a phone call.

Singularity: Serendipity Book 2 // kth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now