28 • Unsettled

614 42 26

Taehyung POV

I have to fight the urge to wrap my arms around Omi and capture her lips in a desperate kiss. Her hair is up in a messy bun on her head and she's dressed in fuzzy pajama pants and an old faded concert tee shirt. I'd prefer she wear our favorite white tee.

"Come in, Taehyung." She sounds annoyed. "I'm sorry to have to call you out this late but Lily won't calm down and go to sleep."

"Don't apologize. You can call me anytime, Omi." My sad eyes search her face but she no longer looks at me. I want to cry.

"Follow the weeping three year old sounds and you will find your daughter at the end." She closes the door behind me and pads quietly into the kitchen.

I watch her for a moment and consider running to her and dropping to my knees to beg her to come home but I know that would only anger her more. She doesn't care to listen to anything I say.

I hang my head and walk to the end of the hallway stopping just outside of Lily's doorway. I watch her silently for a minute and it hurts my heart.

She hugs Oopy Goopy Tete in both of her tiny arms and cries into the purple fur of his oddly shaped head. {{I miss my daddy, Tete! I don't like it here! I want to go home!}}

{{Daddy misses his tiny Lily, too.}}

{{DADDY!}} Lily squalls dropping Tete and hopping from her bed to rush towards me.

I squat down with open arms and receive an amazing hug. {{Hello my baby. Mommy said you were having a hard time falling asleep and called me over to help.}}

{{I miss you, Daddy. Can we come home?}}

I fight to not let my emotions show on my face. {{Hopefully soon. I miss you and Mommy more than you know. Come on and let's get you to bed.}}

I cuddle with Lily in her bed and tell her one of her favorite bedtime stories. She hugs her plushie in one arm and holds on to my shirt with her hand as if she's scared I will disappear. As I look into her large round chestnut eyes, my heart shakes.

She's beautiful just like her mother.

{{And the tiny squirrel says "I-"}}

{{I don't want brothers, Daddy.}} Lily interjects.

I am caught off guard. {{I will keep that in mind, sweetie.}}

{{I told Mommy and she told me I don't get to pick. But Daddy, I don't want brothers.}}

I feel the tears well up in the back of my eyes. I can't talk about giving Lily a sibling right now.

{{What would you like to do when you stay with me next weekend?}}

{{Can we have pizza? Mommy won't get pizza. She said it makes her babies hurt.}}

I chuckle. {{Of course! What kind of pizza would my tiny Lily like to eat?}}

Lily and I talk about our following weekend together and I finish her bedtime story using my best fake voices before she slowly starts to drift off into a peaceful sleep. I lay beside her for just a bit admiring her tiny Omi-like features as she breathes deeply.

{{I love you, Daddy. Do you still love us?}} Her voice drags out each word as sleep slowly consumes her.

I gently twirl one of her tiny curls around my fingers. {{More than everything, baby. Don't ever believe any different.}}

{{Mommy loves you more than everything too. She cries a lot. Can we come home?}} Her eyes flutter one last time before closing and she takes a deep breath.

I whisper softly. "I want nothing more than to have you and your mommy home with me again. I never want either of you to be sad."

I carefully slip from Lily's hold and reluctantly stand from her bed. When I turn I catch a glimpse of Omi leaning against the doorway. She straightens quickly and bee lines back up the hallway. I wonder how long she's been standing there.

My heart is heavy as I walk from my daughter's bedroom. I pull her door nearly to closing and return to the front hallway. Omi carries a small plate and a glass from the kitchen to the living room and sets both on the coffee table as she sits on the sofa. She doesn't acknowledge me.

"Lily's asleep."

"Mm." Omi grunts retrieving a cookie from her plate and leaning back on the sofa. She takes a small bite and keeps her gaze on the horror movie playing on the television.

I walk over to the end of the sofa. Every part of me wants to curl up next to Omi and hold her and kiss her but I know there is slim to no chance of her allowing that to happen.

She reaches for her glass of milk and as she sips a bit trickles out of the corner of her mouth. She removes the glass and quickly wipes her mouth with her hand.

"Do you remember when you tried to arouse me with milk and cookies back when we were first married?" I force a weak smile on my lips from the memory.

"Barely." She finishes her cookie.

My smile drops and I hang my head. "Omi.. please." I sniffle as I start to cry.

"Please didn't do it. You can leave now, Taehyung." She sips her milk.

I sit beside her and place my hand on her thigh. Looking deep into her eyes I no longer fight to hold the tears back.

"I could never hurt you. You are absolutely perfect for me in every way and it would be stupid of me to jeopardize that."

Omi finally looks at me. There is so much hate and anger behind her beautiful brown eyes, it's terrifying.

"And yet, here we are."

"Do you even still love me? At all?"

She stands and walks to the front door opening it. "Leave, Taehyung. Your daughter is asleep so you are no longer needed."

I stand and walk to her. The closer I get to her she backs away. When she can't back up any further, I take one final step into her. Our bodies are so close I know she can feel the heat from my skin.

I stand tall against her. The last time we were this close, we were making love. I miss being this close. I drop my head so my mouth is near her ear and in the voice I know arouses her I say {{Please tell me you still need me just as much as I need you.}}

Our breathing increases and synchronizes. The sweet scent of her apple shampoo dances in my nostrils as I move my lips closer to her neck. On instinct, my right hand raises and finds the curve of her hip slipping around to the small of her back, pulling her closer to my body. She releases a soft surprised gasp.

My lips brush against her cheek as I move seeking out her mouth. I know she can feel me hardening against her through my sweats just as I can feel her nipples strain for attention through her thin shirt.

Our lips only a breath away, I lean in to connect. Omi turns her head at the last second and sighs heavily.

"Goodbye, Taehyung."


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