18 • I'm Fine

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Taehyung POV

"What the actual shit, Taetae?!" Yoongi groans from across our lunch table.

I've managed to tip over another glass, this time as I reach for the salt instead of the pepper. I sigh, defeated. At least this glass only contained ice cubes and no liquid.

"I'm sorry." My eyes and hands occupy themselves searching for every cube mingled in with our dishes and cutlery.

"Tell me."

"Tell you wha-"


"I apologized for knocking over the glass! What more do you want from me?!"

I pause, dropping my head into my hands. It is a struggle holding in the tears I've saved up since the last release in my shower this morning.

Yoongi clasps his hands together and leans slightly over the edge of the table. His usually controlled voice carries worry as he speaks. "What's going on? Talk to me."

A heavy sigh escapes my chapped lips and pushes its way through my shaky hands. "O-Omi."

"Are the two of you having issues?"

"I don't know. She's pulling away from me little by little. I don't know what I've done and she says she's fine when I ask what's wrong." I squeeze my eyes shut feeling moisture gather at the backs of my lids.

Life Coach Yoongi kicks into gear. "How is she creating this distance?"

"She isn't as affectionate anymore.. and Lily sleeps between us in bed."

Yoongi frowns. "How is Lily sleeping with you creating distance? Hasn't she always slept in your bed?"

I raise my head to look at Yoongi. From the look on his face, I can tell my emotions have warped my visuals. "I said between not with. Omi was always my little spoon, but now Lily sleeps in the middle of the bed between us."

"Maybe Lily wants to be closer to you when she sleeps," he suggests.

"She still sleeps on Omi's breasts.. breasts that I haven't been allowed to touch lately as well as other things."

Yoongi leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. He looks at me like I'm being childish.

"Judging by your current agitation level and the pulsing, red visitor you have grown on your left cheek, I'm willing to guess you're not having sex everyday anymore, are you?"

I shake my head.

"Is that why you are upset? Taetae, married couples don't usually have sex everyday. Your wife is an anomaly amongst most other women, and-"

"It's been over a month since she touched me, Yoongi!" I yelp and the floodgates open.

Yoongi hesitates to speak, instead watching carefully as I wipe the tears from my eyes with my thumb and the heel of my palm.

"Some married couples go months at a time without sex. That doesn't mean anything is wrong. They are just tired or busy. Perfectly normal."

"She doesn't touch me at all anymore, and I don't mean just intimate touches. I mean touching my hand or my arm. She loved to play with my hair. She hasn't done that either. Some days I'm lucky if she doesn't turn her head when I lean in for a kiss."

"When you try to touch her -something simple like a hug or placing your hand on the small of her back- what does her body language tell you?"

"That my touch disgusts her," I swallow the lump in my throat, closing my eyes at the pain radiating in my chest, "and that she is no longer mine."

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