48 • Sharing Something Personal.. On Camera

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Third Person POV

".. therefore certain.. restructurings were need- necessary for.. for.." Taehyung struggles to remember the words to his presentation as he paces in front of his desk. He has one hand on his hip and the other points nowhere in particular as if he's able to pluck the correct words from the air.

".. necessary towards.." Ella encourages waiting patiently on the end of the sofa in the sitting area of Taehyung's office.

".. necessary towards.. towards.. fuck!" Taehyung throws both hands up exasperated and leans against the desk. He crosses one arm over his stomach and drops his face into his opposite hand. "It's too fucking hot in here! I can't concentrate."

"I agree. They turn off the air conditioning at four forty-five to save energy. I wasn't thinking when I dressed this morning or I wouldn't have worn two undershirts beneath my blouse."

Taehyung removes his tie and unbuttons the top few buttons of his shirt as well as the cuffs of his sleeves. He then rolls them up to his elbows. "If you need to remove your outer layer, that's fine, Ella."

Ella knits her brows. "I'm not sure how that would look, Mr. Kim."

"It would look like they have turned off the air and it's as hot as Satan's toenails in here. Believe me, if I wore a shirt underneath, I would have removed this one thirty minutes ago."

He meets Ella's apprehensive gaze. "I understand your hesitancy. You are a lovely woman in your own right but I am in love with my wi-.." his breath catches and he fights to hold in his emotions..

"Shit." Taehyung stops abruptly covering his face.

Ella cautiously undoes the first few buttons of her blouse. She sighs quietly. "Would you like to take a break, Mr. Kim?"

"I just need a few minutes, Ella. I'm sorry for my choice of words." Taehyung doesn't look up from his hand.

"I don't mean to pry, but is everything okay?"

"Just nervous about the meeting." Taehyung turns his back to Ella rubbing his eyes. Tears have started to gather behind his lids.

"I mean non-work related." Ella adds gently.

Taehyung freezes.

Ella continues. "It's just that, in all of the years I've worked for you, memorization has been one of your strong suits and for this short introduction to be such a hurdle, I just assumed-"

"She won't touch me."

"I'm sorry?"

"Omi won't touch me. No hugs. No kisses. No-" Taehyung pauses as he quietly gasps and struggles to hold in his sadness. "I don't know what I have done nor do I know how to fix it. She doesn't talk to me anymore."

"My apologies, sir."

Taehyung sniffs and wipes his eyes as he turns to Ella. "I'm the one who should apologize. That was probably too much information for you. I'm sorry." He walks around his desk to the back wall where he grabs a tissue from the bookshelf.

"I'm seeing someone." Ella blurts.

Taehyung turns eyeing her in surprise. "Uh.. okay.."

She nervously fiddles with a button on her blouse. "I just thought that since you shared something personal with me I would share something personal with you as well."

"That wasn't necessary, but thank you. I hope I haven't made you too uncomfortable."

"No, sir. I would like to think after the ups and downs you and I have been through, we have breached from the employer/employee threshold."

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