17 • Preparations

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Kyomi POV

"Are you sure you still find me attractive, love?" Tae asks, examining himself naked in front of the bathroom mirror and squishing his soft tummy between his fingers.

"I find you incredibly attractive, sweetheart."

"I mean sexually attractive."

I giggle as I rinse the tub. "We just made love twice, completely naked with the lights on, on a Wednesday morning, and it's not yet seven o'clock. Do you seriously have to ask?"

Tae pouts. "You kept your eyes on my face. You don't look any lower than my collarbones."

I finish cleaning the tub and walk up behind him. My hands cruise over the smooth skin of his broad shoulders, down his spine, eventually finding their way to his just-enough-cushion rear end, giving it a tiny squeeze.

Leaving delicate kisses across his back, I reply, "You only think I don't look any lower."

"Mmm. I love the way your lips feel on my skin, Omi."

I slip one of my hands around his thigh to the small growth of hair at the base of his length. I allow my fingers to explore here as my other slides up to massage his lower back. I continue to leave kisses.

"I love my lips being able to feel your skin, Tae."

Tae throws his head back with a groan. "Fuck, you're going to get me hard again, and I'm going to be late for work."

I stop my movements, gravitating both hands to his waist. I decide one more kiss couldn't hurt though.

"Maybe I could get Mom to stop by near lunch to keep an eye on Lily and you and I could have lunch together. How does that sound?"

Turning to face me, Tae's grin takes over his entire face. "That sounds spectacular." He wraps both arms around my body and gives me a deep kiss.

We break away from each other and I retrieve my panties from the edge of the bathroom sink as Tae reaches for his boxers. His whole body comes to a standstill when I begin to dress.

"Holy shit, love! What are you wearing?" He asks, staring slack jawed at my blue v-string.

"Uhm.. panties?"

"Omi! Do you know how sexy you look in those? How am I supposed to work today thinking about you in those?"

I strut back over to where he stands, fondling my hips, thighs, waist, and breasts. "I feel sexy. I don't know why, but the last couple of days I have felt so, so sexy. Yesterday I never even wore panties."

Tae's jaw clenches and fire burns behind his ebony orbs. His hands squeeze my hips as he spins me to face the sink, pressing his hips close to my bottom.

I gasp when his right hand journeys into the front of my v-string and the index of his left hand hooks into the string at the back, gliding down the middle of my bottom and meeting near my opening. His lips roam the flesh of my neck leisurely making their way to the lobe of my left ear.

In one quick movement, Tae rips the material between my thighs. I whimper feeling him press himself into me as he growls into my ear, "You won't need them today either."


I didn't miss this part of being pregnant.

As I heave my guts out at nearly four thirty in the morning on the floor of the downstairs restroom, I begin to cry. I am not ready to be pregnant again. All I wanted was just a little bit of time to feel like myself, to relax and have a second or two of non-mom activities.

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