40 • Past, Present, & Future

671 48 71

Kyomi POV

Not being back in the house Tae and I made a home isn't why I don't sleep the way I used to.

It isn't about his infidelity or his continued denial of the scene I witnessed with my own eyes.

Upon waking, I first notice that I have had a more restful sleep than I have in months. I frown immediately afterwards seeing that I am propped up on the sofa and my feet have been left sitting on the floor which explains the mass amount of fluid build up. I groan at this, secondly realizing I am still fully clothed and milk has leaked through my shirt again.

So now I'm doubly annoyed that this wonderful nap I hadn't realized I took left me with swollen ankles and a damp shirt. My hand reaches to the sofa beside me as I yawn and search for where my Lily should be napping as well, but instead my fingers meet another set of long smooth digits.

My eyes shoot open and I snatch my hand back to my chest. There beside me sits Tae, his long legs extended to rest on the coffee table in front of us and his body slouched into the cushions.

Lily snores away happily on his chest; her tiny arms and legs dangle over her father's sides and her cheek is so smushed her mouth doesn't close.

Tae's dark fluffy curls rest haphazardly against the back of the sofa. He's asleep with his rosy lips parted slightly taking deep relaxed breaths. His eyes move under his partially open pinked lids as his dream plays in his mind.

What time is it?

I lift my phone from the table to check the clock being as quiet as possible. Eleven thirty-five. At least it is still Sunday.

We slept nearly five hours.

How was I even able to sleep with Tae in my apartment? This is my safe space. This is my one place that holds no sweet memories of a dream marriage now long gone. Why did I allow him entrance?

Baby kicks my bladder and my knees clench. Oh. I was going to tell him about the twins before we accidentally fell asleep.

My sight trails over the man that still consumes my heart. Everything about him was always so surreal; his luscious dark locks.. his sensual gaze.. his perfect pout.. 

Tae's visuals are enough to woo any woman, but I was the woman lucky enough to feel the magnitude of his love and that in itself is what still holds me captive.

Taking Tae's hand in mine, I tenderly press his warm palm to my stomach. One of his sons is currently playing with my insides and I know how much Tae enjoyed feeling Lily's movements the entirety of my first pregnancy.

A soft happy moan escapes my husband's mouth when a twin moves against his hand. Baby activity increases now with the other twin pressing against his father as well. Tae giddily giggles in his sleep, shifting his head to get more comfortable.

I raise my hand to carefully shake Tae awake but not jar Lily enough to disturb her at the same time my phone rings. Scuffling to silence the noise, I grab my cellphone and dash to the restroom.

"Hello?" I answer in a whisper.

"Omi? Did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did." Joonie sounds nervous.

"No. I was awake. It's late, Joonie. Is something wrong?"

"No." He sucks his teeth. "Yes. We have taken steps in the wrong direction again, haven't we?"

Quickly responding "How so?" and pressing mute, I relieve my bladder with an elated eye roll.

"Our conversation Saturday was short and I haven't heard from you at all today."

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