34 • Weak

686 41 46

Kyomi POV

Waking up so refreshed shouldn't bother me as much as it does but the fact that I am in the house where I have spent the past five years with a man I truly believed would never hurt me irks my nerves.

I slept alone in what used to be my and Tae's bed just in case Lily woke in the middle of the night and came searching for one of us.

Tae slept on the sofa downstairs.

The twins are extra wiggly this morning. I assume the depth of sleep I had did wonders for their health as well mine as I stretch out into a starfish shape in the middle of the bed. Left baby kicks my full bladder just as the stretch reaches prime widths so I quickly jump up from the bed and scoot to the restroom.

Usually when I wake I still feel tense, but not this morning. Even urinating is extra relaxing. I finish my business and wash my hands. When I look at myself in the mirror my reflection stares back with a radiance I haven't had since moving out.

More baby movements draw my attention to them and my hands caress my belly under the thin shirt I slept in last night.

"You are quite the happy little boys this morning, aren't you my darlings?" I smile. Left baby shifts while right baby feels like he takes over more space.

After brushing my teeth, I ease out of the bedroom and down the stairs listening for any signs that Tae or Lily are awake. It is still quite early, so I don't expect either to be up just yet.

{{With a muscular body..}}

Tae's voice is barely audible as he gently sings a slowed down version of the children's song Lily loves so much.

{{.. wearing red clothes..}}

I take another step down pressing my body close to the wall.

{{.. giving out sweet and sour scent.. is the stylish tomato..}}

Peering around the corner, I find Tae snuggled in our corner on the sofa with Lily cuddled to his chest. He twists her dark curls around his long fingers slowly before stretching them slightly and allowing them to spring back to shape. He smiles each time he starts to twirl another ringlet.

Tae looks exhausted but even in such a state the love in his eyes for his daughter is more than obvious. He kisses Lily's hairline with his eyes closed as if he's savoring every second of their time together.

{{.. I will become juice!..}}

Lily deeply inhales with an eyelid flutter, her tiny hand holding tighter to the collar of Tae's shirt.

{{.. I will become ketchup!.. I will dance!..}}

I make the final step at the end of the stairs and Tae looks up to me. My body quivers with an ache only he can make me feel. I am still so in love with this man, it hurts.

{{.. boastful tomato..}} His words slow more upon seeing me.

"Did she wake you?"

Tae shakes his head. Keeping his soft melodic tone he replies "I haven't slept."

"You should get some rest. Lily and I will be out of your way just as soon as-"

"Neither you nor our daughter are ever in my way. I would drop everything for my family."

Queue the boys going crazy in my stomach for attention. I try to keep my face straight so as not to raise suspicion.

The narrowing of Tae's brows tells me I failed. His eyes wander from my face to the front of my shirt over my breasts and he licks his lips with a nibble continuing to drop his gaze.

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