29 • In Need

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Kyomi POV

Pregnancy makes me so absent minded. For the majority of the last half an hour, I've searched my apartment high and low looking for my cell phone. I am sure I left it charging beside my bed right before tucking in Lily, but now my charger is empty and my phone is no where to be found.

I take a sanity break in hopes that relaxing on my sofa with a late night snack and watching the current series I am three seasons into will jog my memory.

It doesn't help. I know I left my phone on charge.

Heading back to my bedroom to search once again, I hear a tiny giggle and a deep whisper behind Lily's bedroom door. I open it slowly to investigate.

{{OH NO! HELP ME, BABY BEAR!!}} I recognize Tae's low comical voice under Lily's blanket.

{{I'll save you, Daddy Bear!}} Lily giggles in return.

I pull the blanket down and find a surprised Lily hugging Tete using my phone to video call her daddy.


Tae stops his silly motions to look into the camera when Lily goes quiet. {{Baby Bear? Are you still there?}}

Lily stares at me completely silent.

I hold out my hand. "Phone, please."

{{Daddy, I have to go. Mommy is mad.}}


Hearing Tae say my name still sends quivers to every part of my body no matter how I wish it wouldn't. I don't reply. I end the call.

"Young lady it is way past your bedtime! You know better than to still be awake and to take my phone!"

Her big brown eyes sadly peer up to me. "But I miss Daddy and I wanted him to tell me a bedtime story. His stories are the best."


She buries her face into her knees and begins to cry. {{I just want my daddy! I don't like it here!}}

I sit on the edge of her bed cuddling her close to my chest. "Honey, this is our new home. You will see your daddy on the weekends and you are more than welcome to talk to him anytime you wish during the week-"


"-except when you should be in bed asleep."

Lily sniffles. She clutches Tete tighter and wipes her big teary eyes.

"Come on," I say shifting the both of us to lay down. "You need to be rested for tomorrow."


"So you won't want to sleep the day away."

"But I do want to sleep the day away, Mommy. I just want to sleep until I can see my daddy again."

Once I have managed to get Lily to sleep, I return to the living room to resume my show. After finishing the episode I am on, I decide one more couldn't hurt before heading to bed.

That wasn't a good idea. This episode is a season finale and everybody I have wanted to get together all season finally do which should make me happy.

It sort of does except they are all having sex. Raw, soul-bearing, mind blowing fuck fests any and everywhere they can. My favorite couple reconcile which is fabulous, but they go at it for what seems like hours.

I can't deal. I am at the point in my pregnancy when the wind blowing can turn me on but now I have no one onto which I can unleash myself.

Tae was a trooper when I carried Lily. My sex drive amplified tenfold and he did everything I wanted anytime and anyplace I wanted as long as I was satisfied. I would love to use him right now.

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