05 • Maybe Next Time

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Taehyung POV

I sigh, glancing over to my desk clock for the fourth time in just as many minutes. I have become so spoiled to Omi's 'breakfast' and her cooking that the cold bagel I consumed at work this morning did nothing for my appetite. I am ready to gnaw the edge off of my desk.

Omi was still sleeping when I left and I'm sure she was exhausted so I didn't wake her. I kissed her forehead softly, whispered an 'I love you' and took my leave. She snored louder.

Last night didn't happen anything like I'd hoped. Our bath ended early as Omi became sick yet again and darted from the tub to the toilet. I rinsed the tub while she brushed and cleaned her mouth a second time and we headed to bed.

I reminded Omi that since Lily wasn't at home we could sleep naked. We were both excited about that part. As we lay in bed snuggled together watching some random evening television show, she began to touch me intimately. I struggled to not pounce on her.

I kissed my way down her curves and spread her legs, nibbling the inside of her thighs. I then told her to be as vocal as she could because I have missed her sounds. I proceeded to dig in with everything I had.

The chorus began beautifully and her body rolled into my swipes. Her fingers once again found my tresses urging my face further into her center. Of course I obliged.

I became so into my task, it barely registered when her sounds lowered and her movements slowed. The fingers which once tugged my hair had loosened. I raised my head to look into Omi's eyes only to find her lids closed and her mouth slightly parted.

She was asleep.

I sat up on my heels and looked over her body. Her breaths were deep and steady and she seemed completely relaxed. She is exhausted.

I cuddled up next to her, pulling a sheet over the both of us. It is just a bit on the early side so I planned to let her rest a while and wake her later to finish what we started.

We never finished what we started.

I tried to wake her around eleven, but was only met with snores. I tried again around two but the only movement Omi made was when she rolled over and accidentally dropped her arm over my face.

Five o'clock came and I thought for sure she would wake up after sleeping through the night, but I was wrong yet again. She took the entire blanket and rolled in the opposite direction.

I slid behind her and molded our bodies together. I thought maybe if she could feel how much I wanted her she would surely awaken.

She passed gas and giggled not waking from sleep in the least. I gagged. It smelled horrible.

"Mr. Kim, you have a visitor. I have been asked to hold all of your calls until further notice." Ella's voice announces.

I press the call button on my desk phone. "Who asked-" I begin as my office door opens and Omi enters, closing the door gently behind her. She's wearing my favorite pink and white striped dress that shows her curves beautifully.

My jaw drops. "Thank you, Ella."

"Hello, Mr. Kim." Omi smirks.

I lean back in my chair and grin. "Hello, Mrs. Kim. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Actually it is I who owes you pleasure, Mr. Kim." She sets a take-out bag on the table of my sitting area and seductively walks over to me.

I bite my lip anxiously. "Is that so?"

"Mmhm. I woke up alone and so very aroused and as I began to touch myself-"

I whimper.

"-I thought 'Gosh! If I'm this wet, my husband must have barely been able to zip his slacks before work'. So I decided to surprise you with a meal.. and something for your lunch." She giggles.

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