22 • Things We Find Without Looking

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Taehyung POV

"Taetae?" I hear a familiar voice through my heartbroken sobs. "Taehyung! I know you're here!"

It isn't the voice I long to hear call my name. I sob harder.

"Taetae? What in the fuck are you doing down there?" Yoongi stands over me at the kitchen island scowling.

I sniff. "The sink has a leak."

He puts his hands on his hips. "Well did you fix it?"

"I found Omi's panties." I reply as I hold up the red fabric.

"What does that have to do with the leak?"

I start to sob again. "This was one of the last times she let me go down on her, Yoongi."

"Her panties have been under the sink for how long exactly?" He sounds disgusted.

"Pussy as tasty as Omi's never goes bad." I press the butterfly to my nose with a deep inhale. "I miss her so much."

"Ugh." Yoongi groans. He pulls my arm to lift me from the floor. "Okay, big boy, let's get you- what the fuck?" He shields his eyes from my joggers and turns his head away.

"I can't help it. It's a natural response."

"Put that thing away! I don't need to ever see your 'natural response' again in my lifetime!"

I shuffle to the living room and plop down in the corner of the sofa placing a pillow over my lap. "I can't believe she's gone."

Yoongi sits at the end of the sectional. "First of all thank you for covering yourself. Do you want to talk about what happened now?"

"Omi hates me. She saw Ella and me in my office, but didn't allow me to explain."

"What happened?" His frown is deep.

"I didn't have sex with Ella. I swear it!" Immediately, I start to cry again. "Please believe me!"

"Then what happened? Why is Omi so pissed if you didn't have sex with your secretary?"

"The way things looked.. but they didn't happen that way!"

"How did things look, Taetae?"

I sniff and wipe my eyes. "Like.."


"Like I had sex with my secretary." I cry more. "It didn't happen! Please tell Omi and make her believe I could never do that!"

"Have you tried to tell her yourself?"

"She won't answer when I call, and my in-laws won't tell me where she's staying. I can't be without her, Yoongi. I just can't!" I curl into myself sobbing from deep in my soul.

"Taetae, you have to pull yourself together. What would Lily think if she could see her superhero dad crying like this?"

"Omi took my tiny Lily," I gasp out helplessly. "I have held my Lily every single day and sang her to sleep every single night since the day she was born except the last three. The pain is unbearable."

"Kyomi can't keep your child from you. I hate to bring this up, but if she continues to not allow you visitation, you may have to go through the courts for-"

"NO! I won't consider such a thing! I need them both at home with me! I am nothing without my family!"

I scoot closer to Yoongi with desperation in my eyes. "Please, please tell me how to fix this!"

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