21 • Difficult Situations

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Taehyung POV

"Is sex so important that you would trade us for it?"

Since falling in love with Omi, I'd always thought losing her would be the most difficult situation I would have to endure. I now realize my assumption was incorrect.

It was losing Omi and Lily.

The two most important people in my life are gone and I don't know what to say or do to get them back. I don't even know where they have gone to be able to beg them to come home.

"Don't fucking touch me, Taehyung!"

I ran after Omi as fast as I could when she bolted from my office with our Lily held tight in her arms but to no avail. My tiny Lily's arms strained for my grasp over her mother's shoulder as she screamed my name, begging for me with tears streaming over her round cheeks.

By the time I was able to make it to the parking garage, the squeal of Omi's car tires was the only sound and the flash of her brake lights was the last I saw of the love of my life and our child.

She doesn't answer when I call. Her sweet voice plays a giddy voicemail greeting that rips my heart in two. I haven't heard her that happy in months.

"You asshole!"

Omi didn't allow me to explain. The anger in her voice sliced through my skin leaving cuts deep enough for her angry words to seep down to my bones.

Most remarks from most people never bother me. None of them are important enough in my life to allow a second thought, but Omi is my everything. I take every word she says seriously which is why I now lay curled in a ball on the living room sofa soaking the pillow with my hot tears.

My Omi.. my beautiful, amazing wife.. said the one thing that completely destroyed my soul right before storming out of my life.

"I should have said yes to Namjoon two months ago."


Kyomi POV

"You don't belong here," Adira quietly states, pouring more creamer into her coffee cup.

The two of us stand in front of the coffee machine during a group break. The other women mingle and talk to each other with the exception of one young woman, Trinity, who stays to herself in a corner.

My eyes widen to judge Adira's seriousness. "I thought this was a support group, Adira. I don't deserve support?"

"I mean that you're not like the rest of us. We all have reasons, harsh realities, that being pregnant force us to face which is why we aren't excited about our pregnancies. You are just tired."

"Thanks for invalidating my feelings."

"I didn't mean that to come across poorly. I meant," she turns to inconspicuously examine the other women and take a sip of her coffee, "the rest of us have trauma that being pregnant brings to light."

I turn beside her and lean against the table. "Not everyone here has trauma."

"My husband caused my last miscarriage because he didn't want to have a child. His stance hasn't changed and I am pregnant again."

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