27 • Our First Weekend

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Taehyung POV

My tiny Lily is just as beautiful as her mother.

Lily hasn't been more than a few steps away from me since we arrived home earlier. For a while, all she wanted was for me to hold her and watch Oopy Goopy. When I needed a restroom break, I was surprised to find Lily standing just outside of the door when I finished.

At first I thought it was because she needed to use the restroom herself, which she did, but the next time I went she waited at the door for me again. This time she reached for my hand to lead me back to the sofa.

Even now my Lily is cuddled against me in my and Omi's bed with her Tete plushie in her arm and her hand fisting the collar of my shirt. Her brows have finally relaxed as her tiny sighs of sleep fill the room.

I toy with her ringlets the same as I did with Omi's while I watch her sleep. It concerns me greatly how clingy Lily has been today. I hope she doesn't believe I would ever leave her or her mother.


I squeeze my eyes shut thinking of my beautiful wife. I am still so in love with her even if she hates my guts. I wish she would talk to me and allow me to explain.

Seeing Omi in just her towel today caused an inappropriate reaction that I couldn't avoid. The night we made love, I was so drunk my blurred vision wouldn't allow me to visually appreciate the curves of Omi's body so my hands and my mouth had to make up the difference.

I tossle my hair. Omi's body has filled out more and I know it is my fault. She told me she uses food as a coping mechanism so the new curves of her plush physique are only present due to our current circumstance.

She worked so hard to lose the pounds that weighed her down physically and emotionally for so many years. I have to fix this. I don't ever want to see Omi so upset for any reason.

Can we please talk in person
on Sunday? Just allow me to explain
what you saw. It's not what it seems.


I wait a few minutes hoping for a reply. It is a long shot, but I at least wanted to try. In the end, what I get is one word.



Kyomi POV

"It's so weird having the place to myself. I don't honestly know what to do now," I softly giggle. Even though I try to be lighthearted, I am a bit sad.

Joonie chuckles at the opposite end of the phone. "Enjoy time to yourself. Read a book, watch one of those scary movies you love so much, or take a nap."

I roll over on my left side on the sofa and scratch the right side of my belly. "All of those sound fun. I don't know where to begin!"

"Might I make a suggestion?" He questions.

I hum positively rubbing the now wiggly twin.

"Start by having dinner with me."

I chew my lip. "Joonie, I'm not ready to start dating."

"It's not an official date. Just two friends having dinner. We can have anything you like except seafood."

Remaining silent as I rest the phone against my cheek, I consider his offer. I am a bit on the hungry side as it is later in the evening than I first thought and I've stopped keeping an eye on my meal times.

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