37 • Apologies & Excuses

730 41 47

Kyomi POV

"Fucking shit!" I groan tossing yet another too revealing shirt onto the bedroom floor. I tug at the sides and straps of my bra in annoyance with a huff then fall to my back on my bed.

I can't do it. This bra has got to go.

I sit up and remove the torture device making my breasts sigh in relief. I don't really have to wear a bra just yet, but it has helped in making my chest not look as.. milk filled.

I assume carrying twins has made my body ramp up its milk storage which is why my boobs look so much bigger this time around. Lily doesn't complain much anymore about not being comfortable when she naps, but she also only began to complain when I lost weight.

My phone rings as I search for yet another ill fitting top. I grumble knowing now I have to find one to hide the twins and my nipples.

Tae's name displays across my cellphone display. When I answer, the screen fills with my baby girl's happy square smile, her cheeks pink with what looks like cake icing.

"Hi, Mommy! Me and my daddy made cuppy cakes!"

I giggle. "How fun! I think you have some icing on you though, sweetheart."

She rubs her nose with tiny fingers which are also covered in icing, smearing the color over her mole.


{{Yes, my Lily?}} Tae's baritone answers from the background.

{{Mommy says I got icing on me.}}

My heart shakes when Tae enters the frame, glasses sitting low on his nose, paper towels in hand, and icing on his cheek as well.

{{Messy baby bear.}}

He smiles happily at our daughter using his forearm to adjust his glasses closer to the bridge of his nose while wiping her face. The camera shakes as I find myself unable to tear my eyes away from my husband.

{{I gotta pee-pee, Daddy.}} Lily whispers, or at least she tries to, while performing her little potty wiggle.

{{Okay, Lily. Almost clean.}}

"You have some icing on your face too, Tae."

Tae glances at the phone in Lily's hand, sitting her down on the floor. She passes him the device and I hear her tiny footsteps run away with a "I'll be back, Mommy!"

Tae stares at me almost unbelieving of my image without a word.

"Tae? Icing? Your face?"

"Oh!" He speaks, looking away embarrassed. Tae grabs some paper towels and carefully wipes his face. "I didn't expect you to be home. Lily said you had, uh, plans.. tonight."

I frown. "Currently in process."

"'Currently in process'?" Tae's breathing is heavy as he scans the room around him. "You're naked, Omi."

My eyes widen. There is no way he could know that I am only in my panties.. panties I might add that have begun to roll under my rounding belly.

Tae doesn't look at me opting to stare at his feet. "Your mirror is behind you and the angle of your camera is high but tilted."

I quickly step away from my current position in my bedroom and lean against a nearby wall. "I was getting dressed, if you must know."

"Before or after?"

"Excuse me?" I am appalled.

"Nothing. Forget I said-"

"Mooooom-myyyy!" My Lily's footfalls reenter the kitchen as she sings my name.

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