06 • On The List

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a/n: Going forward, when Taehyung and Lily speak in Korean, their conversations will be indicated by these brackets {{conversation}}

Taehyung POV

I text Omi throughout the remainder of my day and though she responds, her texts are brief. She's pissed because I have screwed up again.

When I arrive home, I first see my tiny Lily napping on the sofa. She lays partially on her stomach at the end of the sofa and the cushion smushes her round cheeks so that her mouth is open.

I notice a bit of drool drip its way from her lips and onto the plushie she holds in her right arm. Her hair is strewn about her head and her pajamas have some miscellaneous food stain on collar. I smile to myself.

She sleeps exactly like her mom.

As I enter the kitchen I hear a disembodied "Shit!" and the cabinet under the island sink slams shut only to bounce back open. Omi stands wiping her hands on her dress.. my favorite dress.

She looks up at me frowning. "The pipe is leaking and I can't tighten it enough to make it stop."

I walk to her and lean against the island. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault my hands aren't stronger, Tae."

"I meant for earlier. I upset you."

She crosses her arms. "Why would you tell Mom we were talking about having another child?"

"I told her I would talk to you about the possibility. I didn't mean anything other than the possibility of it."

"Tae, I don't th- shit!" Omi curses again as she turns on the faucet and water sprays her bare leg.

"Let me try." I lower myself to the floor under the sink and readjust the pipes. "Turn it on now."

Omi leans over the sink turning on the faucet and I notice a few drips. "Anything?"

"Yeah. Turn it off." She turns off the faucet and I wait just a minute for the water to make its way down the pipe.

My eyes dance their way up Omi's smooth tan legs. The way that she leans against the sink has her dress pinned open giving me another close up of her red butterfly.

I reposition the pipe mostly keeping my eyes on the lovely view in front of me. "Try it now."

Omi turns on the faucet again and as soon as I'm sure there are no drips, my mouth finds its way back to her butterfly. I hook my finger into the front and move the wings aside so that I may show my affection.

"Tae! Lily is right -oh fuck!" Omi whisper yells gasping the last half of her sentence.

I lap away at her core only pausing to apologize while my fingers continue to stimulate her. "Please don't be angry with me."

"Oh my shit! Mmmm.." She continues her quiet yells.

I reach up to her waist and pull her panties down her legs lifting the right one and spreading Omi open to burrow my entire face into her heat. I hear a panting squeak and one of her hands grabs the hair near the crown of my head at the root and pulls, panicked.

I hum happily into her and hear her breathing increase along with feeling the tightening grip on my hair. Just as the expletives begin, a small voice breaks her concentration.

"Mommy? I'm hungry. Can I have a snack?" Lily yawns.

Omi pushes my head away dropping her leg back to the floor. "Uhm, yes, baby. Ju-just go back into the living room and I-I'll make you something."

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