10 • Babies

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Kyomi POV

"Holy shit, Omi! You look amazing!" Tae's eyes bulge out of his head.

I smile at his enthusiasm. "Thank you, baby. I was saving this swimsuit for a special Mommy/ Daddy date night."

Tae bites his bottom lip as he steps towards me. A gentle breeze blows my curls and the ruffles of my top. His hands squeeze my hips pulling me into him as he leans over kissing his way down my neck. I sigh and slide my hands over his shoulders losing my fingers to his lush locks.

"Can I have you now?" He kisses over the exposed parts of my breasts hooking his finger into my top and tugging it down exposing my nipple. He wastes no time claiming it with his warm welcoming mouth. It feels wonderful.

"Tae, we're on a beach. We shouldn't.." I gasp when he flicks the bud with the tip of his tongue unexpectedly.

He raises his mouth to meet mine twirling my nipple between his thumb and index finger. He pinches just enough for a pleasant reaction.

"We're alone on a beach at night, Omi. It's on our list."

"My family is in the house just over there. What if they see us?"

"Then they will know we are still very, very happily married and you make the most erotic sex faces on this side of the country.. and that's only because we haven't been to the other side of it yet. Also on the list." He chuckles kissing me adoringly.

I giggle. "Tae! Seriously!"

"I am serious. Look me in the eyes and tell me you haven't developed a second heartbeat below your navel yet."

He is right. My attraction to him has not lessened in the least since our first night together. "We can't get completely naked. Just-"

Tae wastes no time slipping his hand between my thighs and pushing my bottoms to the side. His fingers excitedly delve into my core already quivering with expectation.

"Just as I thought. You still think I'm hot." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Lay your hot ass down in the sand, baby." I demand pushing his chest with one hand. Tae loves it when I tell him what to do.

"Yes, ma'am!" He kisses his way down my body, nibbling at the front of my bikini bottom on his way, as he sits on the cool sand. I smirk at the tent in his shorts.

It still feels so good to have this affect on him. The way he looks at my body on a day to day basis makes me feel so sexy all of the time.

I straddle Tae on my knees, leaning forward to press our mouths together. Our lips fit so perfect against each other. I feel his hands stroke my sides and grab my hips squeezing gently. I know what that means.

I don't part from our kiss when I reach between my thighs to adjust my bottoms to one side of my now very wet opening. I slip the other hand into the waistband of Tae's swim trunks removing his swollen hot length. He sighs into my mouth.

We both moan audibly as I press him into my center, gradually sinking my hips down until I have taken all of him. I whimper. He still causes a delicious stretch making me feel so very full.

"Fuck, you're so wet and tight and so damn hot." Tae groans rolling his eyes into the back of his head.

"It's all because of you, Daddy." I smirk.

Tae's head snaps up, eyes wide open. "Daddy, huh? I'll show you 'daddy'."

He moves too quick for me to react other than to squeal happily. He pulls me close and rolls over on top immediately snapping his hips and angling himself everywhere I need him to be. Tae lifts one of my legs and leans over claiming my mouth the best he can as it's wide open unable to stifle the sounds of pleasure.

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