02 • So, How's Your Day Been?

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Taehyung POV

I have an amazing life.

I have a beautiful, smart, funny, and damn sexy woman I am proud to call my wife. I have the most adorable three year old daughter on the planet, and she's a genius. I mean honestly, how many three year olds do you know that are fluent in spoken English and Korean? Exactly.

I love my job. I wasn't always able to say that when I worked for my grandmother, Mimi. After parting paths with my family's company, my father-in-law took me under his wing to teach me his business ways. It was a stark contrast to the lessons my father taught me.

The people I am around on a day to day basis are much friendlier which makes for higher job satisfaction. I am yet to have a day of scowls or foul words said against me or the company which is another stark contrast to my father's business.

I like it.

I am no longer forced to grueling hours long Saturday workouts. Instead, Omi and I exercise together for an hour every day and our daughter Lily occasionally joins. I haven't 'let myself go' but I have noticed my stomach is softer than it used to be. Omi says she doesn't mind the dad bod look.

I still wake up at five in the morning, but for a somewhat different reason. Omi and I 'work out' for at least thirty minutes before I get ready for work every weekday.

Oh, yeah. The Porsche may have turned into a sedan but it hasn't slowed down yet.

We have to adjust our lovemaking as Lily sleeps in our bed most nights now. She claims she hears a noise in her room but I believe she just enjoys playing with her mom's curls and snuggling into her breasts as she sleeps. I don't blame her, I enjoyed doing that too before she came along.

The alarm on my phone softly dings alerting me that it's now sex o'clock and I gently move to silence it. I roll back over to my little spoon and press in close to her allowing my hand to roam under her favorite sleep shirt, my favorite white tee. I use my opposite hand to move her curls from her neck, clearing my path to leave kisses on her soft, warm skin.

She sighs quietly.

I reach down between us angling my growing interest between her thighs. I slip my hand back under her shirt and make circles around her nipple as I whisper into her ear.

"Baby? Feel like making love to me?"

I feel her hips slowly start to rotate against me. Omi reaches down placing her hand over mine on the outside of her shirt. She squeezes. She moans and hums in approval.

"Meet me in the other room without these shorts, then."

I slide away from her out of bed. She rolls onto her back, looking up at me needily. I bite my bottom lip. Omi is still so sexy.

I watch as she lays there and removes her shorts then throws them in my face. My jaw drops. She smiles at my reaction.

I start to walk out of the bedroom backwards watching as she too carefully eases from our bed so as not to wake our daughter and follows. Upon entering the guest room, I remove my shirt and my shorts.

I have only just laid down on the bed when Omi appears, closing the door quietly and locking it. I still love the way her curls are strewn messily over her head every morning. She wolf whistles at me. I get a bit flustered.

"Is that for me?" She nods to my erection leaning on my stomach. She removes her shirt and drops it to the floor before strutting over to me.

Her body is still beautiful. The effects of our actual consistent work outs show as she's lost a bit of weight, not that it bothered me one way or another. I only want her happy and to love herself as much as I do.

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