56 • See For Yourself

688 40 42

Jimin POV

This has been an interesting dinner.

As Taehyung and Kyomi dance the evening away after eating, Yoongi and Ella speak mainly to themselves in small whispers or flirty giggles, Hoseok glares down every single man that dares to glance in Ulanni's direction, and Sidoni and I haven't exchanged more than common pleasantries.

"Baby, I want to dance! Please!" Ulanni whines from her seat between her husband and her sister. She drums her fingers on the table to beat of the music.

Hoseok's words are tense. "I would like to dance as well, however, my wife chose to expose most of her body to the general population and I'd rather not have the men at the jail ogling her body when she comes to bail me out for assault."

"Is that really necessary, Hoseok?" Sidoni chimes in with a smirk. "You should be proud you have such a stunning wife to flaunt in public."

Ulanni pats Sidoni's hand. "Thank you, Sisi! I mean, look at your sister and her husband, Hobi. Do you see the way Taehyungie twirls Omi around the dance floor with so much pride and love in his eyes? Why can't you do that with me?"

Each of us find Taehyung and Kyomi on the dance floor and watch as Taehyung does indeed hold Kyomi's right hand above her head and she spins with an adorable giggle. She holds her belly with her left hand almost as if she fears the twins will fall out of her dress.

The two come together after their spin; Taehyung's palms cruise around Kyomi's waist and Kyomi's fingers gather the hair at the back of his head. He lays his forehead against hers, dreamily staring into her eyes as he says what looks to be "I love you."

"He is proud to have impregnated my sister again and that isn't love in his eyes. He always looks that stupid."

"What do you really have against my best friend, Hoseok?" Yoongi pipes up. "What is it that he could have possibly done to make you despise him the way you do?"

"Where do I begin? Maybe the fact that he lied to us about his business from the very first meeting and nearly stole my family's livelihood in the process?"

Ulanni leans closer to her husband but she makes it clear she is on Yoongi's side. "But he told you and Dad about it before his family could take any action, honey. He even paid for all of the proceedings to rectify the situation out of his own pocket."

"That he did! Thank you, you lovely woman for correcting him."

Hoseok's frown deepens. "What about the way he talked to and treated Oba after the wedding? That was unforgivable!"

Yoongi is quick to counter. "Taetae fought with his heart not wanting to admit that he was head over heels for your sister. In his mind, as idiotic as it sounds, he figured the more he regurgitated the words of his grandmother, the less likely he would be to to fall in love."

"You're right. That is idiotic." Hoseok rolls his eyes. "Taehyung did and said horrid things to Oba. He even convinced her he was sorry immediately after -without an apology I might add- just to steal her innocence."

Oh, this is getting good!

"You aren't fucking serious right now!" Yoongi snorts as he tosses his hands into the air. "For your information, Taetae was a virgin when he 'stole' Kyomi's innocence!"

My jaw drops. I meet eyes with everyone at the table, but it seems as though the only ones who weren't privy to this knowledge are Hoseok, myself, and Sidoni who quietly gasps.

Sneering his nose, Hoseok tosses his head back in an unbelieving cackle. "Bullshit! We all saw the multitude of loose women Taehyung paraded in front of the paparazzi!"

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