42 • Continuing The Path

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Kyomi POV

With an ever-exaggerated huff and an eye roll, I silence my ringing phone again.

I can feel Hoba staring at the back of my head. In a gentle voice, my brother tries to calm my annoyance. "It could be impor-"

I cut off his sentence. "It's not!"

"He could be-"

"I don't give a damn what Taehyung could be, Hoseok! He could've been fucking faithful but he chose otherwise so he can go to hell!"

"Oba.." He sighs my name as I feel his arms comfortingly wrap around me. Instantly, I choke out sobs from deep in my stomach.

"I hate him so much, Hoba! I swear I wish I'd never met Taehyung Kim!"

"You don't mean that. You are very much still in love with the dipshit and you always will be."

I cry harder. The twins feel my grief and Hoba's arms covering them which they don't take kindly to the weight so they try to move him away.

"Whoa!" Hoba lifts his arms to peer over my shoulder and look down to my abdomen. "That was a lot of moving in there."

"With the two growing boys in my uterus right now in relation to the size, it tends to be quite crowded. You act like you've never felt baby movements before."

My brother's mouth pouts in the shape of a triangle. "Not really. I worked while attending college both of the times Lanni was pregnant. I only felt Mickie move once and Minhee always slept when Lanni did which meant I had a span of about fifteen minutes a day to hope this time was it. In just a few months I will have my master's and be able to spend more time with my wife and children while they are still young. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to feeling every baby kick and punch I can with our next one."

Hoba's dreamy voice makes me start my sobs again.

"Oba.. please don't cry."

"Tae has only felt the twins move while he slept and he didn't even know it. He felt Lily move every single day I carried her and sang her to sleep every single night after she was born up until.." I cover my face and cry harder.

"You should tell him about these two if not for his sake, for my nephews. Should things continue the way they're going, my nephews will need to know how much they are truly loved and wanted."

"Hobi, honey, Dad needs you to- oh!" Mom's eyes widen when she enters the kitchen and notices Hoba and I have on our serious faces. She immediately becomes anxious. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

"No, Mom. Just random conversation." Hoba gives me a look. "What does Dad need me to do?"

"He, uhm, he needs you to help him in the garage for a minute. Something about lifting a car? I'm not sure what he means."

Hoba chuckles. "Gotcha." He says before heading outside.

Mom and I stand in awkward silence. She twists her fingers in front of her and I can tell by the look on her face she wants to say something.

"What is it, Mom?"

"Nothing. I just.." She clears her throat. "How have you been, baby?"

"I'm not a baby and I've been fine." Rolling my eyes, I walk to the refrigerator for a drink.

"Have you and Taehyungie worked things out?"

Opening my water, I take a long sip before replying with my back still to my mother. "No. I've made an appointment to talk to a divorce attorney next week."

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