57 • Shall We Dance?

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Jimin POV

Kyomi and Taehyung giddily bounce back to the table where Hoseok, Ulanni, Sidoni, and I sit. Kyomi's cheeks are flushed from exertion and Taehyung still can't keep his hands off of her belly.

"Ohmuhgosh! It's so hot in here!" Kyomi fans herself with her hand as she sips some of her water.

"You're so hot in here.." Taehyung begins to speak but the ending of his sentence is whispered into Kyomi's curls covering her ear while slithering his arms around her in a back hug.

She giggles and swats one of his arms with a quiet exclaim of "Taehyung Kim!" feigning shock at his words.

Hoseok clears his throat. "Yes, Taehyung, we all know you have fornicated with my sister so can you please-"

Ulanni interrupts by clearing her throat. She, however, doesn't add any spoken words; she simply smiles softly at her husband and then at Kyomi and Taehyung.

Hoseok doesn't say another word.

Taehyung takes note of this and grins to himself. "Why are you all sitting? You should be up dancing!"

"I couldn't agree more!" Ulanni stands from her seat with a large smile to Hoseok.

Hoseok smirks at her. "Are you sure you want to dance right now?"

"Of course I wa-" Ulanni pauses to nervously smooth out her unwrinkled dress. "Of course."

With a chuckle, Hoseok stands and takes his wife's hand. "Okay. As you wish my dear."

We watch as Hoseok spins Ulanni onto the dance floor and she is surprisingly stiffer that I assumed her to be. Hoseok tugs her close to his body with another more devious smirk, booping her on the nose with each word he speaks.

If I read his lips correctly, he just told her "Not a single drop." I am not sure what he means at first, but realization hits and I chuckle to myself.

Hoseok, you kinky bastard.

"Jimin, Sidoni. You next." Kyomi smiles.

I have completed many adventurous feats in my lifetime with a vest of bravery and never have I ever once been afraid to do anything with a woman until now. My eyes waver, glancing from Sidoni to the happy couple and back again.

"I, uh.."

"Okay." Sidoni chirps standing above a dumbfounded me.

"Oh. Okay then." I raise shakily to my feet and follow Sidoni's lead to the dance floor.

"Go get 'em, Tiger." Taehyung says with a wide smile and pats my shoulder twice as I pass him.

Why am I so nervous? As I approach Sidoni, she holds up her arms to rest on my shoulder and to take my opposite hand. I make the mistake of resting one hand at her hip and she frowns, quickly moving it up to her waist.

"Sorry." I am an idiot.

She gives me a fake smile. "Hm."

We sway casually for a few painfully silent moments. Sidoni looks around the room over one of my shoulders so I look around the opposite side of the room over hers.

The first couple my eyes land on are of course Taehyung and Kyomi. They both appear lost in each other's eyes as Kyomi tucks a few strands of Taehyung's shaggy hair behind his left ear and he pulls her as close as her abdomen will allow.

Their foreheads touching makes their eyes close as they continue to sway. Taehyung presses his lips to Kyomi's temple and she rests her head over his heart. One more kiss to the top of Kyomi's curls and Taehyung follows up with an 'I love you'.

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