62 • Just Relax

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Taehyung POV

"Omi.. you.. oh my god.." I am floored.

"I know. It looks horrible, doesn't it?" Omi rubs over her exposed belly and adjusts the tie of her sarong cover up. When she lifts the straps of her halter top and her breasts smash together, I nearly pass out.

"Oh god no! You look absolutely amazing!" I breeze up to her, slipping my hands around her body and laying my lips on the smooth skin of her shoulder. "We could always skip the beach today."

She breaks away from my embrace quickly. Her swift movement is a bit alarming, but I let it pass. "I'm excited to swim even if this bathing suit was a poor choice so soon after giving birth. Oh, well. Let's go!"

The way she speeds to grab her belongings and rush from our hotel room does concern me, though.

Omi and I walk along the beach for a while hand in hand talking over the beautiful scenery before us. Each time I move closer to my wife she seems to panic and change the subject to be able to move away from me again.

"Tae! Look how beautiful this is!" Omi squeals grabbing my hand and dragging me to the edge of a small cliff.

I want to look at the water behind Omi and share in her enthusiasm, but my eyes can't tear themselves away from the full figure of my jaw dropping wife. The breeze gently blows Omi's straightened hair at her waist and the ruffles on the bottom of her cover up caress her thighs. My ears and my hips can't wait to be back between those thighs again later.

"..don't you think?"

Snapping back to reality, I realize I should have been paying attention. "Mmhm."

Omi frowns. "You weren't paying attention, were you?"

"I'm sorry, love. You just look so amazing, I can't keep my eyes off of you."

She heavily sighs, turning to lead us back down to the water. "Let's get in the water before it gets too late. Dinner is still set for six."

We swim and play around in the warm water, or at least I try to play around with Omi in the water, but she acts like she doesn't want me to touch her. Each time I wrap my arms around her body or try to show some type of affection, she flees from my embrace.

I know it is because she is scared of what could happen if our touches become not so innocent. As much as I long to be intimate with the love of my life again, I need her to understand being affectionate doesn't mean intercourse is a given.

Omi relaxes over dinner. I am glad to see her curls make a comeback after swimming and her subsequent shower which she took alone.

I would have loved to have joined her, but she rambled on and on about the size of the shower only being enough room for her to wash all of her hair and we were going to be late for our reservation if we fought over the hot water. I just agreed and waited pitifully on the edge of the bed for her to finish.

On the return elevator ride from dinner, Omi drops her guard completely when I lean in for a chaste kiss. Her fingers snake their way into the hair at my nape as she nudges our mouths closer.

I return her fervor slipping my hands around her hips and over her ass with a squeeze. She feels so good in my hands, I can't stifle the moan I release.

Omi immediately backs off as if I have scared her. "I.. oh." She clears her throat. "I shou- look! This is our floor!"

Once I make it to the room, Omi is inside sitting on the end of the bed nibbling her lower lip with her arms crossed. She looks so afraid I worry I have moved too fast.

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