13 • Namjoon's Thighs

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Kyomi POV

This shouldn't be happening.

Joonie's body is entirely too close to mine for this to be considered friendly. His thigh is pressed against my own only slightly but it is still too close.

I don't know why I thought 'accidently' running into him today was acceptable. I didn't have to bring Lily to the Oopy Goopy Read-A-Long today. I shouldn't have.

But I did.

It begins at noon, the same as Joonie's regular Monday lunch hour. I wait just a few minutes after it starts before I sneak away to the counter to purchase a bottle of water and snacks for Lily and me.

As I wait in the short line, I feel a tall presence at my back. It's him, I know it is, and the butterflies begin their activity. I feel his warm, minty breath against my neck when he speaks softly into my ear.

"I feel like this meeting is no coincidence, and I have zero issue with that."

I gasp at the way his deep voice sends tingles through me and to the places only my husband is allowed to see. My lashes flutter and I feel my nipples harden against the soft material on the inside of my shirt.

I turn to face Joonie, trying to keep composure, smirking coyly. "Oopy Goopy Read-A-Long."

"I have never heard of these characters before, but they are becoming some of my favorite. How are you, lovely?"

I return his smile. "Pretty good. Good day at the office?"

And there are the dimples. "No complaints thus far. Would you mind if I joined you two lovely ladies and get to know these Oopy people?"

I grab my and Lily's snacks and Joonie picks up his usual lunch and we head back to the children's area. I giggle to myself upon seeing Lily's face. Her wide eyes and open mouth make her look exactly like her daddy with pigtails and bread cheeks.

"Your daughter takes these Oopys seriously, doesn't she?" Joonie chuckles quietly as we take our seats.

"Very. Guess who has tickets to see the Oopy Goopys Live next month," I laugh softly.

"Wow. Already an avid fan girl at such a young age. I imagine it won't be easy when she has her first crush."

"Oh my goodness! That sounds like hell!" I shake my head in denial.

"Did you have a good weekend?" He asks before sipping his coffee.

"We did. It was my dad's seventieth birthday and we all spent the weekend at his lake house. How was yours?"

"Spectacular. I.. did laundry." He chuckles. "I also binge watched three entire seasons of a murder-mystery show that I can't even remember the name of."

I know Joonie is attempting to find humor in his situation, but I feel bad for him. He's a wonderful man who deserves to find someone just as wonderful to share his life.

"I figured your date book would be filled every weekend."

He laughs, shaking his head. "No, I'm not looking for just anyone. I want a partner, someone who is equal in the relationship. Most women these days want someone to take care of them and think all they have to do is spread their legs to keep a man happy.

"My ideal woman turns me on mentally and emotionally first. We enjoy simply being in each other's presence most. I mean, don't get me wrong sex is fantastic, but a relationship has to be more than that. Otherwise, the couple just ends up together for the sex without any substance."

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