59 • Happy Birthday, Taehyung

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Taehyung POV

"Happy birthday to you!" {{Happy birthday to you!!}}

I wake to the sound of Omi and Lily mid-song and Lily bouncing on Omi's side of the bed. Fluttering my eyes open and giving a surprised smile, I attack Lily with tickles. She squeals but continues to sing.

"Happy birthday, Tae." Omi's sweet voice says. She holds a tray in front of her bump filled with pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, diced potatoes, and a glass of juice. She gives me a frown with a small grunt.

"You didn't have to do this, love! It looks delicious!" I sit up to take the grand feast from her hands examining her face. "Are you okay?"

She nods. "Mmhm. Really strong baby kick. They've been excitable this morning." She rubs her belly.

"Come here."

Omi fights a grin. She already knows what I'm going to do and that resistance is futile. She edges the boys closer to me and I take them in my hands kissing both sides of her stomach.

{{Good morning, my sons. Don't hurt Mommy please.}}

I feel Baby A shift and Omi grunts out a puff of air.


{{I made the juice and the strawberries!}} Lily boasts triumphantly with her fists on her hips.

"Oh, shoot! I forgot the strawberries downstairs. I'll be right back." Omi begins to shuffle out of the room.

"I'll bring my food downstairs so we can eat together."

She stops and looks at me with the loving stare that makes my heart melt. "We have already eaten and today is your day. Enjoy breakfast in bed and relax. I'll be right back."

My eyes don't leave her until she is out of my sight. Lily snuggles up beside me with puppy dog eyes.

{{Would you like some of my breakfast, sweetheart?}}

{{Mommy said I couldn't have the sausages because they make me have bad poopies.}}

I snort with laughter. {{Just one won't hurt, will it?}}

Lily excitedly shakes her head no. I pass her a link.

We dig into my breakfast while watching morning Oopy Goopy on television and waiting for Omi to return. Omi screaming my name makes me bolt from bed and down the stairs.


I find Omi beside the running kitchen tap, a shattered bowl of strawberries at her feet and water tinged with blood on the floor. She holds her leg in the air as more droplets fall.

"Oh my god, Omi!" I squat in the floor holding her leg.

"TAAAEEEE!! Ughmmm!" Omi groans wiggling her toes.

"I know it hurts baby. Why did you step on the broken bowl?"

"No! Taeee! Hhmmm!!"

"Come to the table and sit down so I can clean your foot."

Omi groans again. "Hos-hospital. Ughmm!"

"The cut doesn't look bad enough-" I begin but pause when I notice all of the way up her both of her legs is wet as well as between the legs of her shorts.

Omi grunts again holding her belly. "My water.. ughmm.. it broke.. ughh.. it can't.. they're early.."

"Holy shit! That isn't water on the fucking floor!"

{{No bad words, Daddy!}} Lily yells smacking me on the arm.

{{I'm sorry, baby.}} "Omi! You're in labor!"

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