26 • Lost

651 42 18

Kyomi POV

Lily said she misses her daddy.
Can she stay the weekend with you

This had to have been the most difficult text I've ever sent. I don't want to see Tae, but I can't keep him from Lily. My phone rings a few seconds after pressing send and I watch my finger hover the decline button before pressing accept.

"Omi! My god! I've missed you and our Lily so much! Please come home!" Tae's voice is panicked and wobbly.

"Not an option. Would you like to see your daughter this weekend? If so, you may pick her up after work tomorrow and bring her back on Sunday."

"Please come home so we can talk. I can't- I can't do this without you, love."

The ache in my chest from hearing the man who I once believed to be faithful to me call me such an intimate nickname is virtually unbearable.

"You may call me Omi, but I must ask you to refrain from using pet names. I am home, my and Lily's new home. I'll ask again before ending this call. Would you like to see your daughter this weekend?"

Tae's end of the line is mostly quiet for a few seconds. I can hear his sobs and sniffles before he says "Yes, please. I miss you both so, so much."

"I will text you our address tomorrow then. Goodbye, Taehyung."


"Taehyung was unfaithful. That's why I left him."

Lanni's mouth falls agape. "Oh my goodness! Omi, sweetheart!" She wraps her arms around me when I scrunch my face in heartbreaking pain.

"Please don't tell Hoba. He thinks we're taking a break because we don't see eye to eye on the whole baby topic."

Lanni's mouth twists to the side. "Your brother isn't stupid, Omi. He knows there's more to the story than what you have said."

"But he doesn't know the whole story. Hoba would kill Tae if he knew Tae cheated on me. Hoba has always had quite the distaste for him. Even before Tae and I.. before we were official."

"You realize you're asking me to lie to my husband."

I swallow thickly. "I'm sorry. I just don't want Hoba to be upset. I know how protective he is over me."

Lanni takes my hand smoothing her palm over the back. "I won't say anything, but only because I know he would prefer to hear about the situation from you, and you will tell him soon, Kyomi."

"I will. I just need a little time. It's still.. so.." I gasp and cover my face with both hands.

{{Mommy, are you okay?}} Lily asks placing her tiny hand on my knee and peeping under my hands to see my eyes.

I wipe away my tears before I meet Lily's gaze with a weak smile. {{I'm okay, sweetheart. I'm just so full of love only for you my heart doesn't know what to do.}}

"And Daddy? Right, Mommy? You love Daddy, too?" She peers up through her long lashes innocently and sweetly. Tae gives me the same innocent and sweet look.

"Lily, honey? You might want to check on your cousin. I think Minhee is feeding your baby too much." Lanni intervenes.

"No! Minnie! Not my baby!" Lily screeches thumping across the floor.

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