43 • Things That Can't Be Undone

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Kyomi POV

"Lily! Daddy is here to get you!" I call down the hallway as I walk towards the front door from the kitchen.

"Should I go into the other room while-" Joonie begins, setting down the knife he was using to chop vegetables before I stop him.

"No. You're my guest in my apartment. Tae can't say shit about it." I wipe my hands on a dish towel before opening the door.

Tae's sad face comes into view, instantly sending a pain to my heart but I don't allow it to show on my face. His suit is wrinkled and he doesn't look like he shaved before work this morning.

"Hi, Omi darling- I mean Omi." His eyes drop slightly as he changes his greeting.

"Hello, Taehyung." I turn my head and call down the hallway again. "Lily!"

"How are you?" He sounds nervous.

Turning back to look at him I answer, "Fabulous. You look like shit."

The corner of his mouth raises in a weak smile. "I don't feel nearly that good. I miss you, Omi."

"Good. You don't deserve to feel up to par with literal shit." I spit back.

"Omi, I don't know how to make you understand I would never cheat-"

{{Daddy! I missed you!}} Lily nudges her way past my legs and wraps herself around Tae's legs.

He replies to her, lifting her up onto his side. She says a few more words, using her tiny fingers to scratch Tae's stubble. She doesn't approve of 'the prickly things' because they always scratch her cheek while she tries to cuddle into her daddy's neck for her nap.

"I'll meet you at the park Sunday around two to pick her up." I lean in kissing Lily's forehead. "I love you. Be good baby, okay?"

Lily nods and shouts, "Bye, Joonie!"

Oh, that cheeky little girl!

My eyes meet Tae's before his drift over my head towards the kitchen. I assume Joonie has made his presence known by the heart shattering face Tae now displays.

He looks back down to me, swallowing thickly. "Joo-Joonie?"

I feel Joonie approach behind me yet still keep a friendly distance. He clears his throat. "Hello again, Taehyung."

Tae's eyes fill with tears, shaking as he speaks in a low whisper. "Why is he in your apartment, Omi?"

"Namjoon is in my apartment because he is my guest and that's all you need to know. You forfeited your right to be further involved in any of my affairs when you-" I stop when Lily reaches out and twirls one of my long curls around her finger.

Lily speaks softly to Tae in Korean, something about 'pretty' and a tear escapes Tae's eye as he replies in English still staring at me. "Yes, Mommy is absolutely beautiful, Lily."

I scoff.

Tae lowers his voice once again. "Omi, baby, I don't know what your plans are for this weekend with him, but please don't make my worst nightmare come true. Please."

"And if I do? You made mine come true so explain the difference." I cross my arms and lean against the door.

"I told you I never in a million years would do that to you!" He pleads. His tears flow freely and Lily wipes his cheeks. "Please believe me before you do something that can't be undone!"

"You mean like you did?" I uncross my arms and reach for the door handle. "Mommy loves you, Lily. I'll see you on Sunday."

And I close the door.

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