35 • Wrapped Around Lily's Pinkie

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Taehyung POV

I can't stop admiring my wife's beauty. Omi has always been breathtaking to me, but something about the way she looks this morning is somehow different. She looks absolutely radiant.

I want to wrap my arms around her and hold her and I nearly succeeded this morning. I thought maybe I could start with my hands at her waist then before she realizes what I have done she has fallen victim to my love..


Omi stopped my hands before they could reach her stomach. I don't care about the weight she has gained; I only want to hold the woman who owns my heart.

She hid herself from me the way she used to do in the beginning. When she came downstairs I simply wished to appreciate her form, but she immediately shielded her body with the kitchen island.

I was, however, able to see how much her breasts have grown. When Omi started to lose weight, I remember her breasts getting smaller as well. There was still enough for my mouth and hands to enjoy, but I can't deny the superb appearance of Omi with larger boobs.

After checking on Lily, Omi excused herself to shower and dress. This saddened me a bit because I miss the lazy days when the three of us would stay in our pajamas all day and watch movies. A part of me hoped for a reenactment.

Lily remained cuddled to me on the sofa. When Omi returned, Lily asked for eggs for breakfast. Omi started to cook and my eyes stayed glued to the gorgeous woman moving about in the kitchen.

She is wearing some of her pre-weightloss clothing. Her leggings and loose drapey top are both dark colors and cover every one of her luscious curves. I hate that she is again ashamed of her shape.

{{Daddy?}} My tiny Lily raises her head from my arm.

{{Yes, sweetheart?}}

{{Can me and Mommy have another slumber party here tonight?}} She looks so hopeful.

{{Baby, you and Mommy can stay as long as you would like, but I think you should talk that over with her.}}

Lily climbs to peer over the back of the sofa and into the kitchen. "Mommy?"

"Yes, sweetie?" Omi answers without looking up. She looks like she is plating Lily's eggs.

"Daddy said we could slumber party again if you said 'kay. So, can we?"

Omi returns the skillet to the stove with a frown. "Daddy has things to do so we are going home soo-"

"NOOOOOO!!" Lily yells and melts into the cushions like she has been shot. {{Daddy, make her say yes.}}

{{Honey, I can't make Mommy change her mind..}} I look away into the living room {{.. no matter how much I would love to have the ability.}}

Lily curls into my arms still crying. I try to soothe her but only manage to get her down to a soft whine.

"Lily your eggs are ready."

{{Not hungry anymore.}} She pouts.

I gently encourage. {{You have to eat, Lily.}}

Lily pops her head over the sofa towards her mother. "Is there enough for my daddy to eat with me?"

{{Baby Bear, Mommy only made-}}

"Yes, Lily. I made breakfast for your Daddy too. Bring him with you." Omi responds much to my surprise.

"Yayy!" Lily rolls from the sofa tugging my arm. {{Breakfast time, Daddy! You have to stay big and strong for my mommy!}}

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