45 • Attention To The Details

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Kyomi POV

"Whatever." Mimi waves her hands dismissively. She turns to Joonie judging him from head to toe. "And you most certainly do not look like Taehyung."

"No, I certainly do not." Joonie looks from Mimi to me with questions written across his face.

Mimi raises one eyebrow at my appearance. "I assume Taehyung finally tired of all of the.. excess. I also see there is still plenty and then some. I have heard of letting yourself go after marriage but you were already far gone beforehand and you just kept right on going."

Tears fill my eyes and I look down to the table.

"If you would like, I have heard of a spectacular plastic surgeon who specializes in liposuction. I could get you his number."

She smirks before she squints at my hair and my clothing. "You'll need a beautician and stylist as well. Maybe you will look presentable then."

"I find that ironic coming from a prune wearing knock off Dior heels." Joonie chimes in.

Mimi's jaw drops. "Excuse you! Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know who you are. You are Mimi Kim CEO of the now defunct Kim Industries which went belly up last year. I'm not quite sure how you even stayed in the black as long as you did with all of the poor choices you and your half-wit son made."

I raise my head and cover my mouth with one hand suppressing a giggle. Mimi looks like she could pass out.

"Mother, we must be going. The car is- Nairobi?" The man that approaches Mimi says when he sees me. My face falls as I recognize Titus, Taehyung's father.

"She goes by Kiromi now apparently."

"Ahh, speak of the half-wit and he shall appear, and the lovely woman in front of you goes by Kyomi." Joonie fires back.

He doesn't stop there. "Of course neither of you were much for detail as apparent by your current financial status. Tell me, how difficult has it been choking on your own pride without any of that overpriced champagne you purchased by the caseload to swallow as you submit your wholly falsified resume to businesses you once scammed that still show a profit?"

Now it is Titus who loses all of the color in his face. "Who exactly do you think you are to speak to me that way young man?"

"Me? I'm nobody important. Actually, that is not correct. Technically, I am a partner in the company that purchased the Kim Industries building. It will become quite a lovely parking garage for the subsidiary company we will begin building later this year." Joonie stares straight faced at the pair who stand wordless and absolutely appalled.

"Excuse me, Sir," the waiter interjects, looking at Titus. "Your car is blocking other patrons. We must ask that you move it immediately."

Mimi's glare drills holes through Joonie's dark eyes. "We were just leaving."

She directs her hateful demeanor towards me. Leaning down to the table on one hand she growls "For the record, I am glad my grandson finally left your fat ass. Tell me, how fit is the woman he's fucking now?"

Without hesitation, I toss my water into Mimi's face.

Mimi gasps in shock and Titus wraps his arms around her removing her from the table. "Fat bitch!" He exclaims dragging a very wet and pissed off Mimi from the restaurant.

I can't breathe and feel the tears threaten to fall from my eyes. "Excuse me," I say to Joonie quickly as I rush to the restroom. I don't turn when I hear him call my name.

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