11 • Filling In The Blanks

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Taehyung POV

I lay on top of Omi peppering kisses over her chest and neck as she hums after her orgasm. Breakfast was delicious as always. "Good morning, Omi darling."

Omi licks her lips with a soft chuckle. "Good morning, Tae darling. Sleep well?"

"I slept better than I have in a while. We were able to sleep totally naked and skin to skin. I miss that." I kiss her neck a few more times before she raises my head to join our lips.

She pulls back and rubs our noses together. "You know, once we get Lily out of our bed, we can go back to doing that."

"If we can get her out of our bed. She enjoys your curls and your breasts nearly as much as I do." I lean down and plant a kiss on each of Omi's breasts.

She giggles. "Do you really want three more children, Tae?" She looks nervous as if she's expecting I will demand her to have more.

"I want all of your babies. Do you not want any more?" I search her eyes but only see fear.

"Of course I do.. but three more? That's a lot of me being pregnant."

"I thought you enjoyed being pregnant. Remember how excited you were to have sex?" I chuckle, swiping my tongue over my teeth.

She looks so scared. "Sex is always amazing with you. I don't need to be pregnant to enjoy it."

I stroke her cheek with the back of my hand. "So, we aren't going to have any more children?" It stings a bit to say that.

"Not never. Just.. not right now." She searches my face for understanding. "Please?"

Three raps on the door interrupt our conversation. "Omi? Daddy's up ready to go fishing. Hobi is getting dressed now and they will be downstairs waiting on Taehyung." Lanni's voice calls through the locked door.

"Okay! He'll be down shortly!" Omi replies. She turns and looks at me. "You better get going."

"Are you still in love with me, Omi?"

Her eyes widen in shock. "Of course I am! What would give you reason to believe otherwise?"

"Do you want more children with me? At all? Please answer honestly." My heart feels constricted.

"I do. I am just.. Lily is exhausting to look after. I'm looking forward to a bit of a break when she starts school, but having another baby right now wouldn't allow that. I would like to wait just a bit longer."

I kiss her lips softly and stroke my nose with hers. "Okay. Then we will wait."


I should have made sure to kiss my daughter goodbye before leaving this morning as we are in the middle of very large lake and Hoseok hasn't stopped sneering at me since we left. His hands spasm occasionally as if they yearn to shove me off of the boat when there isn't anyone looking.

The collar of my shirt accentuates the extent of Omi's largest love mark. It makes Hoseok's eye twitch.

I am just a bit grateful Mickie is here as he keeps Hoseok occupied staying right by his side. Hoseok stops sneering at me and his features soften long enough to help Mickie bait his hook but he returns his steely gaze to me immediately afterwards making sure I don't decide to become too comfortable around my family.

I'm still relatively new at this fishing experience so I ask Dad for help when I need it. He is always amazed at my lack of father/son activities and talks throughout my childhood and even joked about his surprise that I figured out how to make a baby.

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