01 • Birthday Thoughts

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Jimin POV

I lay in bed tugging my bottom lip lost in my own unhappy thoughts as the rain patters away against the glass of my bedroom window. I used to be quite content with my life -more than actually- until Kim Industries was forced to close amidst scandal and bankruptcy. I won't say I took my cushy position for granted but I was never one for sticker shock until a few months ago.

I led quite the extravagant lifestyle.

I was able to find another job relatively quickly, though not as laid back as my old position but it does keep the bills current. My pay was cut a small amount being told I have to prove myself worthy before I receive any raises to match my old salary. It's fine. I don't mind the work.

In the two months I was in between careers, I lived life to the fullest. I drank and ate new foods. I bought a new pair of Ferragamo Oxfords for the suit my seamstress was altering. I traveled to a few nearby locations and tried out the foreign women there before returning home to the easy one in the morning booty calls..

.. which is where I find myself now.

The female beside me is attractive of course. Long dark hair, thin with large breasts and brown eyes. She is completely naked only covering her small rear with the end of my satin bed sheet as she lays on her stomach sleeping off her third orgasm.

I glance at the bedside clock. It is three forty-two. I'll allow her to sleep another eighteen minutes.

I slip from my bed and tug on my black silk pajama bottoms grabbing the matching black and white silk robe as I exit the bedroom. I need a drink.

I pit stop at the restroom relieving my bladder and swapping my contacts for glasses before heading to the living room bar to send a text and pour myself a glass of bourbon. The rain reflects the lights of the city illuminating my apartment through the large windows. I walk over to examine the view, bourbon in hand.

I love the sights and sounds of the city. Where most find annoyance I have found relaxation. When I first decided to move to the center of the hustle and bustle, I was taken aback at the closeness of everything, buildings, parking spaces, people on sidewalks, but I learned to enjoy it.

As I come upon my ten year city anniversary, I don't feel the closeness anymore. Everything and everyone seem so far away. It's quite lonely.

I've watched random people, associates, and even Kim Industries own Taehyung Kim fall in love and marry in the span of a decade as I continue to screw my way through the remaining east side of the city. I've already been through all of the other directions with a fine toothed comb.

I swish my glass and take another swallow. Taehyung and I don't speak as regularly as we used to when we worked together. He keeps quite busy running the subsidiary his father-in-law placed him head of as well as being a husband and a father. I chuckle as I am able to remember his daughter Lily's birthday every year.

October 13th. The same as my own.

Monogamy and domestication were never for me. Just the thought of coming home to some laxed version of a woman I chose amongst all of the tens of others I've tried and some snot nosed child screeching for more juice never sounded appealing. I always thought people had to be crazy to choose such a way of life.

Lily's birthday party was today. It was a fairly sized outdoor event. I attended, of course, handing the three year old the best lookalike life-sized doll I could find and that she is able to carry.

Lily is sweet and nothing like I thought three year olds would be. She thanked me with the tightest hug her tiny arms could give and a peck on the cheek.

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