23 • Keeping Up Appearances

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Kyomi POV

"Adira? What are you doing here?" I ask as I open the front door quite surprised to have a guest.

Adira wraps her arms tightly around me with a sigh of relief. "Do you have any idea how worried I have been? You haven't been to group in over a week and you're not replying to texts!"

"I haven't had any texts from you," I say, breaking from her hold. "Come in to the living room."

As I lead Adira to the sofa, I grab my cellphone from the coffee table unlocking it to check for missed texts.

"I have text you and called you every day for the past three days, Kyomi! I was concerned something bad may have happened!"

I frown, twisting my mouth to the side as I understand why I haven't been receiving messages or calls. "Damnit, Lily." I sigh under my breath.

"Are you okay?"

"Lily played one of her Oopy games on my phone last week. She must have muted your contact. I'm sorry, Adira."

"That's understandable. I'm so relieved you are okay." She judges my expression with her hands on her hips for a moment before continuing. "You're really not okay, are you?"

"No, I'm fine. Everything is fine."

"How are the babies?"

I swallow nervously and bite my lips. "Good. They are good."

Adira clicks her tongue. "Must you lie to me as well?"

"I just.. uhm.." I clear my throat "I haven't felt the twin on this side move for the last couple of days." I place my hand against the right side of my stomach.

"Well, that's fine. You don't want them anyway."

Shock spreads over my face. "What?"

"I mean, it's good for you. If the babies no longer exist, then you get time to yourself, right?"

"I don't want any harm to come to them, Adira! What are you saying?"

"I'm saying your wish could be coming true. You don't want the nuisance of not one but two babies and a three year old, so taa-daa! One extra baby down, one to go!"

Tears fill my eyes at the thought of losing one of my children. "No! I don't want this!"

Adira crosses her arms. "Of course you do, Kyomi. You said so yourself. It's been all you have talked about at group for weeks."

"I don't want to lose my babies! Stop saying such horrid things!"

"Why would you want them now? Aren't they just a burden?"

"Because I love them!" I scream as I hold my stomach. "I don't want any harm to come to any of my babies because I love them!"

My heart races and tears roll down my face. Adira's stance relaxes as she smirks giving off a very 'I-knew-it' vibe.

"You did that on purpose. You said those wretched things to make me admit that I love them, didn't you?"

"Of course." She steps to me wrapping her arms around me in a comforting embrace. "You holding all these feelings back hurts their growth. Don't you know they feel your emotions as well? Didn't you read that in some random pregnancy book the first go-around?"

I sniffle and wipe my eyes. "Do you think that is why they aren't moving the way they used to?"

"Maybe. Have you called the doctor?" Adira releases me but continues to stroke my arms.

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