54 • Baby Teeth, Range Rovers, & A P*ssed off Hoseok

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Jimin POV


I stop walking just as the beautiful birthday girl crashes into my legs. Taehyung stands a few feet back with a wide smile on his face watching our interaction.

I squat down to get a better hug. "Happy birthday, my sweet Lily!"

"Happy birfday, Jiminie!" She smiles widely revealing a missing bottom tooth.

"Oh my goodness! You've lost your first baby tooth. When did this happen?"

Lily lays one tiny finger over the hole in the front of her mouth. "Laster night. Me and my daddy was eating jjajangmyeon and it felled out in my noodies."

She is too cute for words. "Did the tooth fairy visit you when you were sleeping?"

She nods vigorously causing her curly pig tails to bounce. "I got a dollar!"

I purse my lips frowning at Taehyung over Lily's head. "Hmm. I think the tooth fairy could've done better."

"Well, a dollar is more than most kids-" Taehyung begins but stops when I pull out my wallet to remove a bigger bill..

.. a much bigger bill.

"Jimin! Lily really doesn't need-"

"Lily only turns four years old and loses her first tooth once, Taehyung. The 'tooth fairy' should have paid her more."

Lily gives me a peck on the cheek. "Thank you, Jiminie!" She turns and says something to Taehyung in Korean that makes his eyes bulge.

He bends down to lift Lily to his side. "I don't know about all of that, but let's get you to the potty so you can get back to celebrating."

"What did I miss?"

"My daughter's hand in marriage by about twenty-five years." He pats my shoulder and Lily giggles as she buries her face into Taehyung's shoulder embarrassed.

"Ah!" This little darling makes me smile every time I see her.

"Make yourself at home, Jimin. The birthday girl and I will be right back."

I watch the two of them walk away until they disappear behind the house's patio doors. I then turn to examine the theme of my girl's fourth birthday party.

The brightly decorated backyard is bustling with friends and family. I recognize photos of the strange characters Lily seems to be obsessed with from one end of the yard to the opposite side including not one but two cakes.

Kyomi's happy giggle finds my ears and draws my attention to her direction. Her amethyst wedding ring catches the sunlight quite beautifully as she rubs the left side of her very round abdomen.

It is hard to believe that just in the month since Taehyung and Kyomi's reconciliation and pregnancy announcement, her stomach has grown so much. Kyomi once again gives off such a lovely radiance while pregnant; she lights up any room she steps into instantaneously.

"Hello, Kyomi."

Her wide smile creases her eyelids. "Jimin! So glad you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss Lily's birthday party for the world."

"I'm sure she will be tickled pink that you're here. Tae took her inside to tinkle, but they should be back soon." She giggles.

"I actually ran into them when I arrived. Your husband wasn't happy with me for adding a few more coins to her tooth fairy stash."

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