25 • Hard To Swallow

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Taehyung POV

"So, you had sex, but not make-up sex?" Yoongi's confused face looks even more so confused after I explain what happened a few nights ago. "Was it angry sex?"

"No. We made love the way we used to except.." I hang my head.


"She said it was just sex and a mistake at that. The anger on her beautiful face, Yoongi, I-" I sniffle, rubbing my eyes. "She looks at me like she hates me."

"She believes you cheated on her, asshat! Did you really think she would give you the same adoring look after you screwed your secretary?"

"I wouldn't do that! I am in love with Omi!"

Yoongi sniffs and stares at me stone faced for a moment. "What color is our waitress' hair, Taetae?"

I furrow my brows. "What does have to do-"

"Humor me."

"I don't know! Brown?" I guess.

"What shade of brown?"

"How is this-"

"What shade of brown, Taehyung?"

I run my fingers through my hair. "Dark? Dark brown. Maybe?"

"Mhm." Yoongi tsks. "Wrong. She's blonde."

"How is this helpful?"

He leans his forearms onto the table. "How abt something a little simpler? What is her name?"

"I don't know. She's new I think. Something with an R?"

"Think hard."


"Mhm. Wrong again. It's Kenna."

I drop my hands onto the table. "What was the point in that?"

"Kenna has been our waitress every single time we have come to this restaurant for well over the past year. She has made sure to say her name clearly to you no less than three times when she greets us, twice during our meal, and two more times as we finish and leave."

"She says her name a lot."

"She says her name to you a lot. Over half of the time she's been our waitress, she has flirted with you, oblivious or uncaring of the symbol of matrimony displayed on your absurdly long ring finger, even to the point of convincing the other waitresses to swap tables so that she may gander at your boyish good looks."

I frown. "You act like she doesn't speak to you when she takes our orders."

"Because she doesn't. Had my order not been to perfection every single time, I'm not sure she even noticed I sat across from you."

"I'm not understanding."

"The point of the exercise, Taetae, is that I know you are in love with Kyomi. No woman exists in your world except her. However, sexual attraction and love are two separate matters."

"That's not what happened! I told you that isn't the way things happened!"

Yoongi leans back in his seat crossing his arms. "And you have yet to tell me what did happen. Enlighten me."

Nervously, I chew my bottom lip looking through my lashes at my best friend. I wring my fingers and bounce my leg. My voice is soft when I speak.

"Ella and I.. we each shared.. something.. personal.. with each other.."

Singularity: Serendipity Book 2 // kth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now