53 • Anything For You

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Kyomi POV

"You take care of me just fine now, Tae."

Tae lovingly makes circles over my belly. "I want to do more than 'just fine', love. We are both parents and partners in this marriage, and I know how much you handle things on your own. I'd love for you to rely on me sometimes."

"You do a wonderful job when you help with Lily." I smile.


"You do!"


I huff. "Tae.."

"We made these beautiful babies fifty-fifty. Now, I don't have your large, supple, tasty, perfect breasts so I'm no help there, but I can still help like.. forty-eight/ fifty-two." He takes my hand in his and leaves tiny kisses along my palm.

I giggle and lose my opposite hand in his lush locks as I brush them from his forehead.

Tae's baritone becomes serious. "What would you think about being my partner at home and at work?"

Confusion washes over my face.

"Part of the restructurings included an on-site daycare for the parents that needed help finding reliable care for their children. I contracted a daycare that was struggling and on the verge of closure offering them the unused ground level conference rooms."

My eyes drift between his, becoming watery. "Oh, honey.."

"I already planned to use one of the upper offices near mine as a play area for Lily with a personal nanny in hopes of taking her to work with me occasionally so you could have a break. Now that the actual daycare is a go, Lily and the boys can stay there if that is acceptable."

"The department leads' offices are near yours. Did someone leave?"

"We reconfigured the department layouts. Each department lead joined their associates areas making them more accessible to their team. It's amazing how much a change of view can increase productivity." Tae smirks.

"How much could it change? I mean rea-"

"Productivity increased by nine percent the first two weeks after the layout change and it continues to rise."


Leaving soft kisses on my shoulder and up to my neck, my beautiful husband continues, "I would love for you to join me. We can take turns staying home with the children, or if there are days when the both of us must attend meetings, we have the daycare as backup."

I laugh. "I don't think-"

"Don't think. Just say yes. The subsidiary was made just for you and you know every part of it. Raising children is hard and you shouldn't believe you must do it on your own. That's why I am here. Please let me help you. Rely on me."

His dark eyes are wide with hope and promise. The lip nibbling, the eye flitting, the playing with my fingers anxiously.. Tae is serious about this. He truly wants me to return to work.


"Omi, please. The last few months we were together were heartbreaking for me. I understand you wanted, needed time to yourself, and I was an idiot for not just doing more of my own accord without waiting for you to ask for help. You don't ask for help even when you need it, and I see that now. Joining me at work gives you time to yourself as well as time with other adults."

"I've been out of the loop for so long. I wouldn't know where to begin if I even came back."

With another kiss to my palm, Tae is quick to reply. "I will loop you so good, Omi." He furrows his brows looking up as he realizes how his sentence sounded.

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