36 • Something Isn't Right

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Kyomi POV

I don't feel well. My nausea has returned with a vengeance since I woke Thursday morning and the only time it has given me a breather is when Tae called this morning to verify what time he is to pick up Lily for the weekend.

Well there was then and when I masturbated Wednesday night before bed to the memory of our erotic phone call.

Tae wanted to talk more when he called this morning. I could hear it in the careful way he spoke, but the fact remains nothing he can say will change the past.

I vomited immediately after ending the call. I lucked out that time as the day before when I became sick, I made a mess in my leggings from the force of my nausea.

As I step out of the shower -my second today- I come face to face with my reflection. My body is rounder in every aspect, filling out the once slimmer spots from losing weight. I turn sideways and chuckle weakly to myself. No matter how much weight I lost, I still have a lot of ass.

I don't feel like going out with Joonie tonight, but he wants to apologize for missing dinner Tuesday and he's been excited about this for two days. I tug on my favorite old concert tee shirt with some sleep shorts for now since I still have a few hours before I have to wear undergarments or actual outdoor clothes.

I look and feel pregnant. My engorged breasts hurt; my nipples are nearly painfully swollen. I think I've started to waddle when I walk which is fine as long as I am in the privacy of my own home.

Lily sits happily watching her Oopy Goopys on the sofa, hugging Tete in one arm and sucking the opposite thumb while rolling Romi back and forth on the cushion with her foot.

I plop down at the end of the sofa and pick up the mistreated Oopy Goopy smoothing out his light blue fur. "It's not nice to smush Romi with your foot, Lily."

"I 'on't like 'im." She retorts still sucking her thumb.

"Big girls don't suck their thumbs."

She huffs but removes her digit from her mouth. "The babies are bigger today."

"Yes they are growing bigger day by day." I rub over the fullest part of my belly looking down to my swell. Right baby shifts at my touch. "It won't be much longer that your brothers will be here."

"I still don't want brothers. Boys are mean, Mommy."

I gently smile at my little girl. "I told you that you don't get to pick, honey. Not all boys are mean."

"My daddy isn't mean. Will you stay with me and my daddy tonight, Mommy? I miss sleeping like we did the 'nother day."

"I don't think that is a good idea and besides I have plans." I direct my attention to Romi. He sort of looks like a panda bear. "You enjoy being with your dad- hey!"

Lily has grabbed Romi from my hands and tossed him across the room to climb in my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck squishing Tete between us.

"Don't see that big boy, Mommy!" She sniffles out.

I hold my baby and stroke her back. "Honey, Joonie and I are just friends. I am only spending time with one of my friends while you are away, okay?"

Lily sobs harder. "He wants to take my daddy's place! But he's not my daddy! Nobody is like my daddy!"


She sits back to look into my eyes. The matching mole she has with Tae at the tip of her teeny nose twitches when she sniffs.

"Stay with us please, Mommy? Daddy can make the babies feel better and you and the babies can help Daddy sleep."

The ringing doorbell stops my objection. I glance at the door confused by who decided to drop by without calling first.

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