32 • Shock

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Kyomi POV

"Hello, Kyomi," Dr. Daisy greets with her usual happy self.

A male wearing scrubs follows behind and gives a kind smile as he takes a seat beside of the ultrasound machine. "It's been a while, Mrs. Kim. Do you remember me?"

Looking him over, he seems vaguely familiar. "You are the same sonographer from when I carried Lily, aren't you?"

He chuckles pleased with my answer. "I am. My name is Ashe. How are you feeling today?"

I shift on the exam table. "Okay. Very preg-pregnant." My breath hitches with a stronger than usual baby movement.

Dr. Daisy raises a brow as she looks at me. Removing the measuring tape from her coat she questions "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. It was a baby kick." I rub the right side of my stomach. "The one on this side is really strong."

"You have yet to gain any weight, Kyomi. You have actually lost weight. How well are you eating?" The way she's looking at me while stretching the tape over my belly has me concerned.

"I eat just as I did before. I don't know how to eat for three."

The doctor blinks at me a few times in thought.


She clears her throat in disbelief while jotting something down in my file. "Ashe, would you go ahead and show me the little bundles of joy?"

Ashe nods and preps my stomach with the gel. I'm glad that it's warm this time. After a few adjustments, Ashe's face lights up at his monitor.

"Looks like this one knew exactly what we wanted to see." He beams.

Dr. Daisy looks over the monitor as well. "And the other?"

Ashe moves the wand around on my belly. I know my bladder needs to be full for them to see properly but I think I may empty it prematurely if he continues to press so hard.

The two look at each other smiling. "So both then?" Dr. Daisy inquires.

"Looks that way to me." Ashe replies nodding.

"You both are scaring me. What is it?"

Dr. Daisy places her hand over mine. She looks deep into my eyes trying to hide her giggle. "Lily won't be happy at all."

My breath leaves my lungs. "Both? Are you sure?"

"Definitely." Ashe turns the monitor my direction and I stare slack jawed at a turtle on the screen.


《Mommy, I don't feel good.》Lily whines from my bedroom doorway as I change my clothing.

"You love going to the park, Lily. If you're sick, we have to stay home so you can lay down."


I huff. "I think you don't want to go to the park because Joonie is meeting us there before we all have dinner together."

《I really don't feel good.》

"Fine. I'll just call him and tell him he can come over instead so you can rest."

《Does he have to?》She hugs Tete close.

"Joonie and Mommy are friends, Lily, and just like you enjoy spending time with your friends, I enjoy spending time with mine."

《Daddy is your friend too. Can he come over?》

I know exactly what my three year old is doing and I won't be a sucker for it today. I get in my Mom stance with my hands on my hips.

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