64 • You Can't Compare

674 34 23

Sidoni POV

"Not with your hand over your eyes you can't."

I am so embarrassed right now. Dragging my hands away from my eyes, the first thing I see is Jimin's gorgeous smile.

"Hello there."

"Uhm.. hi." I feel like an idiot.

"Are you okay?"

I don't verbally answer. I nod.

He smiles harder. "Do you want me to take off my shirt now or would you like to remove it yourself?"

"You can do it." My nerves have me frozen just as I lay.

He tenderly caresses my thighs with both hands slowly working his way up to my ass. Nibbling on his bottom lip, he asks "Will you roll over first?"

I nod again.

Shifting around while trying to keep my insecurities covered by my sweatshirt proves challenging. Jimin keeps his sight glued to the exposed parts of my body, his eyes twinkling when my shirt lifts and he sees more of my lower half.

Now on my back with Jimin on his knees between my open legs, reality truly sets in and I fight the urge to cover the reddening of my face again.

He rubs on the front and insides of my thighs. "Relax. I won't hurt you." Then he takes off his shirt and tosses it to the floor.

Jimin's body is flawless and beautiful. Just looking at his smooth skin makes me want to lay my lips against every inch of his flesh. A part of me feels bad because I never once felt that way about Dae-Hyun.

Don't get me wrong, Dae-Hyun was decently built, but his skin didn't look as pristine as the man currently in front of me. Dae-Hyun had hair on his chest and a few scars from his youth sprinkled over his torso, arms, and back.

No way was Dae-Hyun near as athletic looking as Jimin. Dae-Hyun was more on the dad bod side of things which was totally fine with me, but I always couldn't help but to wonder what a man with muscles would look like up close.

Now I know and I am terrified.

"Sid? Earth to Sidoni. Come back to me."

"I'm sorry. I was just.. thinking. I'm sorry." I try to tug down the bottom of my sweatshirt but Jimin's hands rest at my hips. His thumbs make small slow circles.

"Do you want to stop?" He sounds worried.

"Do you want to stop?"

"If we're being perfectly honest, I definitely do not want to stop but I want you to be comfortable. If that means we stop and try again another time, I am okay with that."

I am conflicted. Even though Dae-Hyun's passing was years ago, this still feels like I am cheating on him especially since I just compared his body to Jimin's.

What kind of wife does that make me if I am comparing my husband to another man?

Jimin takes the bottom of my shirt and pulls it down the way I tried to earlier. "I notice the struggle going on in your head making its way to display over your face. We can stop for now. I would like to kiss you, if that is okay."

"I mean we have kissed before." And that felt like cheating too.

"I know, but I just went down on you. Some women don't want to taste themselves or they don't like the way they taste."

"I've never tasted myself before. Dae-Hyun didn't-" I stop and scrunch my eyes shut. Now is not the time to bring up my husband.

"It's okay, Sid." Jimin leans to hover me easing his lips to join against mine.

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