09 • Taehyung's Neck

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Kyomi POV

"Where's Tete?? MOMMY!! I CAN'T FIND TETE!!" Lily screams from the living room.

I speed walk around the downstairs making sure I've collected everything we need for our trip, but feel like I'm missing something. I return to our bags placed by the garage door.

"Tete is probably still in your bed, sweetie. Why don't you-" and then it registers. I haven't woken up Tae.

I rush upstairs with Lily following as close behind as her tiny legs will take her.

"Mommy, do you miss Tete too?"

"I forgot to make sure Daddy was awake. I swear I'm so absentminded lately."

"I'll get Daddy. You get Tete. 'kay, Mommy?" Lily suggests beginning to run, passing her bedroom and heading towards ours.

I stop and sigh. I hope she doesn't jump on his crotch again.

I hear Tae growling and then Lily's squeals and giggles as I enter Lily's room in search of Tete. In the pillows, under the bed, on her dresser.. no Tete. I huff with my hands on my hips. Where did she leave that thing?

I open her closet door and get on my hands and knees to search through all of her toys assuming I've tossed Tete in with the others while cleaning Lily's room this morning. A low wolf whistle causes me to sit up straight.

"Good morning, Omi darling."

I stand and turn to face Tae as he leans on the doorway, my mouth instantly falling agape. The left side of his throat has what looks to be four large love bites, the biggest of these being just above his collarbone. "Oh my gosh!"

"Uhm.. okay?" He looks confused.

"Mommy, I got Daddy and Tete! I did twos!" Lily holds her plushie up to me triumphantly. She turns and skips from the room stating "Gonna watch Oopys now!"

"Tae.. Your neck.. Oh my gosh!" I cover my still open mouth.

He frowns and steps into the room in front of Lily's dresser. He leans his head to the side, stroking his neck and chuckles. "Nice job, Omi."

"I'm so sorry!" I'm so embarrassed I cover my face. "What are you going to do?"

Tae stands and leans against the dresser still caressing his throat. "About..?"

"You're covered in bruises! I doubt my makeup will be able to cover those and all I have packed for the weekend are tee shirts!"

I feel Tae's arms slip around my waist as he pulls me closer to him. When I drop my hands, I see Tae's beautiful square smile and a twinkle in his eyes. "I'm not ashamed of them. I'm rather proud to have them."

"But my parents.. oh no! Hoba! He will lose it when he sees your neck!"

"And we are still married adults. I'm proud that I was able to please you to the point you marked me as yours. You've never marked me before."

"I think this more than makes up for it. Do they hurt?" I reach up to touch the biggest one.

"That one is a bit tender, but I think the others are fine." He drops his head to peer at me through his lashes. "You do know what this means now though?"


He smiles wider and I feel my heart do flips. "Now that I can proudly carry your mark, you're never getting rid of me."


Taehyung POV

"Are you going to stare at me the whole way?" I chuckle glancing from the road to Omi's wide eyes. She can't stop staring at my neck.

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