30 • Voices

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Kyomi POV

I don't know why I continue to put myself in these same situations then feign surprise when things go left.

"Something on your mind, lovely?" Joonie questions as he closely examines my expression.

"No. The sauce needs to be stirred." I scratch my temple to avoid his gaze. "Can you do that while I set the table please?"

Quickly grabbing the dishes from the kitchen cabinet, I walk them over to the table. I don't want to face Joonie right now.

"Sure," he grabs the spoon from its rest "but I wish you would communicate your feelings. It is quite helpful to those of us that aren't mind readers."

"I said there wasn't anything on my mind. Just drop it."

He raises his hands in surrender. "Okay. Consider it dropped."

I pick at my dinner once we are seated. Joonie eats but keeps his eyes mostly tuned to me and my movements. Occasionally he attempts conversation with little to no assistance on my end to keep it going.

"When do you expect Lily to return?" He asks after several minutes of silence.

"Uhm.. I think Lanni said around eight or so. Mickie has ball practice and they were going to dinner afterwards."

"Would you like me to be gone before she arrives?"

I stop shuffling my pasta around on my plate finally looking at Joonie. He looks quite saddened. "Why? You're my guest."

Joonie licks his lips in thought. "It must be confusing for your daughter to leave the only home she has ever known for an apartment where some strange man visits often and seeing her own father is a treat."

"Lily knows you and I are friends. We have talked about this."

"But she is still very young, Omi. She can't possibly understand anything that is happening right now."

"So do you not want to be friends anymore? Is that what you are saying?" I stand to carry my hardly touched dinner back into the kitchen.

I set my plate on the counter with my palms flat on either side. Closing my eyes to refocus, I breathe slowly.

That is, I breathe slowly until I feel a warmth behind me. Joonie places his hands on my shoulders with a gentle rub. My breaths aren't as slow any more.

"I have wanted to be more than friends with you for years, lovely, but you already know this. I don't understand why you seem to be on edge today. Is there anything I can do to help you relax?"

Why am I on edge? Funny you should ask.

Maybe it is because I have pleasured myself at minimum twice daily all week to the memory of my late night phone call with my adulterous husband.

Or maybe it is because no matter how hard I try to fantasize about any other scenario my body only responds to Tae's deep sexy words and moans.

Or maybe it is because I have spent the majority of the evening in Joonie's company, my body craving Tae's touch, dying for Tae's pleasure, and trying to force Tae's sounds from my brain.

It feels like I am cheating on a man who is just a friend with my own husband.


Joonie's voice jerks me from yet another Tae induced mini fantasy. I turn to face him as I respond "I'm fine."

With a quick unbelieving, sexy jaw clench, Joonie blinks down to me. I hadn't realized how close we now stand until I notice the tiny scar on his chin and feel his heavy exhale breeze through my curls.

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