51 • Goodbyes and Hellos

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Namjoon POV

"Sorry I took so long. There was a line at the ladies because a little girl couldn't reach the sink to wash her hands." Omi giggles as she shuffles to the bench beside me.

"It's fine. I was just enjoying the scenery."

"Hey, uhm.. I'm sorry about the way things turned out. Well, not about how Tae didn't cheat but I feel like I may have led you on and that was never my intention."

Taking her small hand in mine, I caress both sides. "No, Omi. I shouldn't have pressed for more. You are a remarkable woman and I would have loved nothing more than to have seen things between us evolve. In my excitement, I rushed you and that was wrong of me."

"Joonie, I-"

"I'm leaving, Omi."

Her big auburn eyes peer curiously at me. "But Tae and Lily won't be here for almost another half an hour."

The naivety of her statement gives me a weak smile. "I mean I'm leaving. For good. My hard work was finally noticed and I was offered a promotion this week. The job is halfway across the world which, if you and I had made things official, I would have turned it down. There was no way I would leave you after wanting to be with you for so long."

Omi gasps. "You would have turned down a job you worked so hard to get.. for me?"

"In a heartbeat without any regrets. A future with you sounds better than anything I could wish for."

Omi takes her hands from mine, using one to tuck a bit of hair behind her ear and trying to inconspicuously hold the bottom of her bump with the other. She drops her head sullenly.

"I'm nothing special, Joonie. Definitely not turning down a promotion worthy. I'm just Kyomi."

"Indeed you are and you are amazing. I am so lucky I was able to spend just a little more time with you even if it wasn't under the most pleasant circumstances."

I stand from the bench holding my hand out for Omi to take. She accepts and I pull her up to me soaking in the beauty of her features up close for the last time.

Brushing her curls behind one ear, I trace a line from her cheek to her chin with my fingertips. "I let them know my decision tomorrow."

"Joonie.." Omi's voice shakes as she speaks my name.

"You were the one for me, Kyomi Kim, and though I couldn't have you in the way I always wanted, I am truly thankful I was allowed to meet you."

She sniffles with watery eyes. "Find me in the next lifetime?"

"My sweet, innocent Omi. That is such a beautiful thought, but we both know that in this life and in every next, you are his."

I press my lips tenderly to her temple. "Goodbye, lovely."

I can't bring myself to meet Omi's gaze, but I feel her watch me as I turn away to walk down the path to my car. I still don't look in her direction from the safety of my sedans interior.

My heart can't take anymore pain today.

Taehyung POV

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