15 • To The Limit

706 49 47

Kyomi POV

"Thank you so much again for meeting me, Omi," Joonie says as we stand in front of his apartment door.

"You don't have to keep thanking me, Joonie. I was just at the bookstore anyway. I'm sorry you're having a bad day."

Joonie makes a tsk sound, leaning his head to the side. "I'm sorry your day hasn't been bright and sun shiny either." He unlocks his door, holding it open for me. "Ladies first."

I smile at the peek of dimple as he speaks. "Thank you."

When I step into Joonie's apartment, instant guilt slaps me in the face. I am a very horny and very married mother who told my husband no lunch time sexcapades and instead I now stand in the living room of a beefy blonde eligible bachelor who looks like walking sex.

I should have made an excuse.

Told Joonie I would meet him another day in the safety of the bookstore with Lily on my hip.

Told him I couldn't meet him at all ever again.

My gaze fondles every single inch of Joonie's physique once he removes his suit jacket. I watch the way he runs his long fingers through his golden locks before loosening his black tie and ripping the material from his neck.

And he rolls his bottom lip into his mouth moistening it slightly then releasing it. I like the way the light reflects his pout now. His lips look so juicy.

Fuck, Kyomi! Stop this!

"Make yourself at home," Joonie insists, unbuttoning his shirt. "You're welcome to anything in the fridge you might like."

I don't speak. I'm too caught up in watching the way his hands undo the buttons. A part of me hopes to see bare skin under his shirt so I am a bit saddened when a white shirt becomes visible.

Pulling off his dress shirt, his mouth curls into a sexy smile. "See something you like?"


"I-I was just, uhm, noting how much coffee you spilled. Were you even able to get a drink?" I lie.

Joonie rubs one hand over the brown spot covering the middle of his chest and dipping to a V just above his belt buckle. "Yes, I was able to get one. Only one, but still I got one."

He heads toward his bedroom. "Help yourself. I need to get out of this nasty thing."

I am not prepared for the glimpse I receive. Right before Joonie steps into his bedroom, he lifts the bottom of his shirt teasing me with a magnificent view of his muscular lower and mid back. I screw my eyes shut and bite my fist.

I love my husband. I swear I do.

I repeat those two sentences over and over again mentally a few times. I then open my eyes and walk to the refrigerator in hopes of finding a bottle of water. Cold water should should calm my hormones.

In luck for the first time today, I find one single bottle of very expensive water waiting just for my dry throat. I grab it, breaking the seal and sitting down on one of the island stools.

I should leave. This feels so wrong.

"This feels much better," Joonie proclaims exiting his bedroom holding a clean white dress shirt in his hand and wearing only a thin sleeveless undershirt.

The undershirt leaves little to the imagination. Joonie's pecs are all on display stretching the material to its limit and I can see a shading of abs. The waves of the muscles of his biceps cause saliva to pool at the corners of my mouth and I think about licking every pronounced vein in his forearms.

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