14 • Sh*t Show

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Kyomi POV

"Oh fuck me!" I groan as I drop my arms onto the bed.

"Can I please?" Tae whines, squeezing my hips while he kisses the inside of my left thigh.

"Lily is crying, Tae. Can't you hear her?"

Tae moves his hands from my hips and smacks the outsides of my thighs softly. "Not while wearing earmuffs."

"Shit." I rub my hands over my face. "I've got to go get her."

Tae drops his forehead onto my lower belly. "You taste so damn delicious and I want to be inside of you so bad right now I am near tears, Omi." His words vibrate between my legs.

"Well, your daughter takes priority," I reply.

I lift my leg over Tae's head and scoot from the bed. When I bend down to grab my sleep shirt, I feel a long finger slip between my folds.

"I don't like that you didn't cum. Feels like I haven't done my job."

I scrunch my face in pure carnal agony. "She's still crying."

"I know. I can hear her now."

We don't say another word as I remove myself from his fingers. The frustrated groan that leaves my husband's mouth makes it seem like my lack of orgasming hurt him more than it currently is hurting me.

I pull on my sleepshirt and, with thighs slick against each other, pad across the hallway where Lily sits in the middle of our bed with tears pouring from her large brown eyes. Her curls are messily strewn about her head and her face is contorted in heartbreaking distress.

I sit carefully on the bed next to her, cradling my baby in my arms. Her hiccupping cries slowly calm once she snuggles her face comfortingly between my breasts.

She is just like her daddy.

A few silent moments pass as I rock Lily back and forth. "My babies hurt, Mommy," she sniffs.

"Oh, my poor baby," I coo, leaning to kiss her forehead. I lift her pajama top to lay my hand on her tummy and stroke it feeling for warmth.

{{Is my tiny Lily okay now that Mommy and Daddy are here?}} Tae asks joining us in the room and kneeling on the floor beside the bed. His voice is soft and loving as he brushes Lily's hair behind her ear.

{{My babies hurt, Daddy!}} Lily crawls from my breasts to Tae and wraps her arms around his shoulders. She buries her face in his neck, whimpering.

Tae tenderly rubs Lily's back and kisses the top of her head. "I think somebody ate too many strawberries before bed, Mommy."

"Or somebody snuck cookies after they were told not to, Daddy," I say before realizing how Tae enjoys when I call him 'Daddy'.

Tae's eyes jerk up to meet mine brimming with desire. He slowly mouths "fucking delicious" and allows his eyes to crawl down my body.

My response is to grab my boob and squeeze. He scrunches his nose and drops his jaw pretending to be appalled.

"Ooh, Mommy!" Lily cries turning from Tae back to me just as she regurgitates last night's dinner all over the front of my shirt. Just a bit lands on her pajamas.

Lily pouts. "I'm dirty now."

I close my eyes and drop my shoulders. "I'll go run you a bath, baby."

Lily turns back to Tae to bury her face into his neck. His mouth still agape but for a different reason, he says, "Oh, Omi!"

Mindfully easing my way from the bed to the bathroom, I hold the bottom of my shirt to carry the evidence of Lily's upset stomach. "You were right. It was too many strawberries."

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