55 • Introducing.. Everyone

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Jimin POV

"I don't understand why you're nervous, Jimin. Women never make you nervous." Taehyung chuckles as he picks at his fingernails.

We stand outside in the front of a restaurant of Kyomi's choosing waiting for the rest of our party to arrive. The music from inside filters softly into the parking lot and piques my interest. It sort of sounds like big band swing music except more modern.

I wring my hands anxiously. "Well, this is different. This woman may or may not be her."

"Of course Lanni's sister is a her."

He causes me to pause. I swear Taehyung is so simple sometimes.

"I meant her as in the woman of my future. Do I look okay?" I adjust my collar.

He full out laughs in my face. "Yes, for the third time, you look fine."

"Okay, I'm back." Omi appears next to Taehyung's side after her restroom trip slipping her hand into his. "Sorry I took so long."

"It's fine, love." Taehyung replies as he kisses her hand. "We're still waiting on everyone to show. I believe this is Yoongi now."

A sparkling silver coupe pulls up to the front of the restaurant and a thin, dark haired man steps out adjusting his suit jacket. He skips around to the opposite side of his vehicle with a half smile on his face to open the door for his passenger.

An absolutely gorgeous woman steps out in a short black dress. The smooth tan skin of her long legs catches my eye first followed by her voluptuous head of hair. Her long dark tresses cascade down her back and she tucks some behind one ear as she smiles bashfully at the man holding her door.

I know her. It's Taehyung's secretary, Emma Something-Or-Other.

"Well, it's about damn time, Yoongi. Hard time deciding between wearing black or black?" Taehyung quips smirking.

"My onyx shirt is at the cleaners so I had to wear my midnight colored one. Had my only other option been the coal colored shirt, my date and I may have had to pass on the invite." He replies approaching us hand in hand with the lovely woman.

Taehyung gestures towards them. "Jimin, I'd like you meet my best friend Yoongi and you already know my executive assistant and Yoongi's girlfriend Ella."

Ella, not Emma. I knew that.

I shake Yoongi's hand. "Nice to meet you." Turning my attention to Ella, I attempt to keep my eyes above her chin. Her legs are amazing. "Lovely meeting you again, Ella."

"You as well, Mr. Park." Ella replies softly.

"None of that tonight, Ella. You are attending a friendly social gathering so you shall refer to me as Jimin and your boss as Taehyung. I actually feel you should refer to him by his first name at all times but I will leave that up to the two of you to discuss at a later date."

Taehyung chuckles. "I'm actually fine with that. Omi, would it be alright with you if Ella called the two of us by our first names?"

I furrow my brows questioningly. I see Yoongi and Ella do the same.

"I see that Tae has yet to let any of you in on our decision," Kyomi smiles at Taehyung.

"After I have the twins and we get settled, I will be returning to work.. as Tae's partner. We are going to take turns working and staying home with the children."

"That's spectacular, Kyomi!" Yoongi is quite excited to hear the news as made obvious by the hug he gives her.

Ella's smile is nervous. "I look forward to working for you, Mrs. Kim."

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